Canllaw ME/CFS NICE – cymuned ME yn mynegi gobaith a gofal


Croeso gofalus gan WAMES a’r gymuned ME


Mae WAMES yn croesawu cyhoeddi canllaw NICE 2021 ar gyfer ME/CFS a’r penderfyniad gan NICE i ‘ddilyn y wyddoniaeth’ ynghylch amhriodoldeb GET a CBT fel triniaethau ar gyfer ME/CFS. Mae unrhyw driniaeth anhyblyg sy’n seiliedig ar ddamcaniaethau dad-gyflyru a chredoau diffygiol, (sy’n annog pobl i wthio y tu hwnt i’r terfynau) bellach yn cael eu cydnabod yn niweidiol, ac rheoli ynni (dysgu sut i weithredu’n well o fewn eich ‘amlen ynni’), yw’r hyn a argymhellir.

Ychwanegwch at hynny gynnwys Malaise Ôl-Ymarferol fel maen prawf diagnostig hanfodol a gobeithio bod gennym sylfaen gadarn i adeiladu dull gofal iechyd arni, tra’n cydnabod bod llawer o le i wella ac ymchwilio.

Credwn fod yr oedi cyn cyhoeddi yn gamgymeriad difrifol ar ran NICE. Achosodd drallod aruthrol i gleifion a’u teuluoedd a niwed posibl, yn enwedig i’r rhai sydd newydd gael diagnosis. Gohiriodd ddechrau’r newid yr oedd dirfawr ei angen a methodd â sicrhau cymorth gan weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol a oedd wedi gwrthwynebu’r diffiniad llymach o ME a chael gwared ar y therapĂŻau yr oeddent yn eu hymarfer.

Nid ydym yn obeithiol y bydd y ffordd i wella gofal iechyd yn gyflym ac yn llyfn. Mae peth o’r iaith yn y canllaw yn aneglur ac yn agored i’w ddehongli, ac mae cryn wrthwynebiad o hyd i weithredu’r newidiadau, gydag arwyddion y gallai rhai gwasanaethau geisio ail-frandio, yn hytrach na newid eu harferion. Yng Nghymru hefyd, ychydig iawn o ddealltwriaeth sydd o ME a PEM felly bydd yn anoddach rhannu a lledaenu ‘arfer da’. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, comisiynwyr, GIG Cymru a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru i ddefnyddio’r Canllaw i ddechrau mynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng gofal iechyd sef ME/CFS yng Nghymru.

Dywed cynghorydd meddygol WAMES:

“As a paediatrician who has had to defend many innocent families of children and young persons with ME from safeguarding proceedings, I hope that the guidelines will finally put a stop to this injustice, and that no longer will young people with ME  be labelled as having “Medically Unexplained Symptoms” or being  “Perplexing Presentations” as an excuse to refer to social services. Children and young people with ME deserve a firm positive diagnosis from their paediatricians. This will protect them from undue pressures, and  lead to appropriate support and help.”

Dr Nigel Speight, WAMES medical adviser
Dr Nigel Speight,
Advisor, WAMES
Honorary Fellow, Doctors with M.E.
Paediatric Physician,
Co- Author, International Consensus Criteria,
Co-Author, Pediatric Primer in Frontiers in Pediatrics,
Advisor, 25% ME Group,



Mwy o ddatganiadau:

Isod mae dolenni i sefydliadau ac unigolion yn y gymuned ME sydd wedi ymateb gyda llawenydd a gobaith ar gyfer y dyfodol, hyd at hiraeth a dicter gofalus ynghylch yr oedi anwyddonol a biwrocrataidd.

Action for ME: NICE publish the guideline

“The new NICE guideline is welcomed because it acknowledges the truth of people’s experiences, and creates a foundation for hope that future children and adults with ME will not repeat the anguish of the past.” (Sonya Chowdhury, CEO, Action for ME)

Doctors with ME: NICE 2021: A Triumph of Science over Discrimination

Doctors with M.E. considers the launch of this guideline to be a watershed moment in the history of ME/CFS medical care in the UK, with implications that extend to those Long Covid (PASC) patients who also meet ME/CFS diagnostic criteria. [Includes quotes from Prof Brian Hughes, Caroline Kingdon, Tom Kindlon, Dr Karl Morten, Dr Charles Shepherd, Dr Nigel Speight, Dr David Strain, Dr William Weir, Dr Asad Khan, Dr Ben Marsh, Dr Shaun Peter Qureshi, Dr KN Hng, Dr Nina Muirhead, Dr Keith Geraghty, Dr Richard Ramyar]

Forward ME: New NICE guidelines on ME: forward-ME statement & media support

Doctors, and people with ME welcome the new NICE guideline on ME/CFS, which brings major improvements to the diagnosis, management and support for people with ME – driving major improvements in care

Invest in ME: NICE guidelines – taking us forward to 2007

Following the ‘veritable omnishambles ‘ of the pause in NICE guideline publication Invest in ME (IiME) find the 2021 guideline “is only able to attempt to undo the damage done by inaction, ignorance, apathy and negligence during the past 14 years… it stands as a testament to 14 years of nothing much changing for people with ME, 14 years of failure from governments and establishment healthcare and research organisations in treating this disease.”

#MEAction: Final NICE ME/CFS guideline published – find out the big news!

Overall, #MEAction UK is pleased that the final guideline is a significant improvement on the 2007 CFS/ME guideline…Concerns remain around how the section on incorporating physical activity will be implemented in practice. While some physiotherapists have a clear understanding of ME and can provide helpful support, others will require significant training and education to ensure harmful practices do indeed stop.

ME Association: The new NICE guideline on ME/CFS is published!

After a very through review of all the evidence – from clinical trials, experts and patients – we now have a new guideline that has reversed these recommendations and should be widely welcomed by people with ME… The next challenge involves educating and training all health professionals on how to diagnose and manage ME and setting up a full network of hospital-based referral services where GPs can refer for further help.

MECFS Skeptic (Michiel Tack): A historic change for the ME/CFS community

The development of the guideline has been a long process mired with controversy, criticism, and unexpected delays. Its final publication, however, represents a historic change for the ME/CFS community… 29 October may turn out to be a historical turning point. Hopefully, this will open the way to more fruitful scientific research on the illness and eventually, a cure.

ME Research UK: Our response to the updated NICE guideline

Today’s publication by NICE of its updated… guideline marks a significant step in both the acceptance of ME as a physical illness and the recognition of appropriate treatment needs of those affected by the condition. We broadly welcome this significant update and improvement to the previous 14-year-old document, but it marks only the beginning of the transformation needed for ME to be more fully understood and, ultimately, for a cure to be found.

MESiG: Today, NICE have finally published the guidelines for ME/CFS. This is a big step in the right direction. Graded exercise Therapy is not to be offered as an effective treatment! #GETisGONE   Facebook 29 Oct 2021

ME Trust: New NICE guideline for ME/CFS

The ME Trust welcomes the publication of the new NICE Guideline. We are very pleased… and hope that it will improve the care and support available to people with this debilitating and chronic illness.

Solve MECFS: NICE publishes new guidance on diagnosing, treating ME/CFS

Most significantly, the new guidance removes recommendations for Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) due to poor quality evidence, and downgrades recommendations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This is a historic victory for millions with ME/CFS.

Science 4 ME: New NICE guideline creates hope for change at last

Science for ME, an online forum for people with ME/CFS, clinicians, and researchers, has welcomed the much-anticipated publication, calling it a paradigm shift in the care of people with this debilitating condition – hope for change.

Tymes Trust

Virology (Prof Tuller): Trial By Error: NICE liberates new ME/CFS guideline after two-month hijacking nightmare

It is hard to dispute the validity of many concerns raised by critics, including the tally of the damage caused by long-standing policies. Like any clinical guideline, this one is open to abuse by health care professionals who choose to ignore or misinterpret or mis-apply its recommendations. Nonetheless, as another patient noted on Facebook, the publication is a way to “bank some of the progress” that has been made in correcting the scientific narrative—and can serve as an impetus for seeking related changes in medical practice and research.

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Gweithredu canllaw NICE ME/CFS ar gyfer diogel, empathetig a theg

Mae WAMES yn gofyn i GIG Cymru: Peidiwch ag oedi!

Gweithredu canllaw NICE ME/CFS
ar gyfer diogel, empathetig a theg


Gofal iechyd gwael i lawer sydd ag ME/CFS yng Nghymru

Mae adroddiad newydd WAMES ar weithrediad canllaw NICE 2007 yng Nghymru yn dangos sut:

  • ychydig o feddygon teulu sy’n cyfaddef eu bod yn ymwybodol o’r canllawiau ac mae’r rhai sy’n gwneud hynny, yn aml yn ddetholus o ran yr hyn y maent yn ei weithredu
  • methodd llawer o feddygon teulu â derbyn bod ME yn gyflwr gwanychol go iawn
  • mae’n anodd dod o hyd i feddygon teulu sy’n teimlo’n ddigon hyderus i wneud diagnosis
  • mae llawer o feddygon teulu yn dangos ychydig o barch, sensitifrwydd, ‘pharch’, a dealltwriaeth gyfyngedig i gleifion gyda ME
  • ychydig iawn o feddygon teulu sy’n gallu neu’n barod i roi gwybodaeth i gleifion am y salwch, sut i’w reoli a’r posibilrwydd o atglafychol, neu eu helpu i ddatblygu cynllun gofal
  • nid oes llwybr rheoli derbyniol – hyd yn oed os oes timau arbenigol yn cynnig cyngor rheoli neu GET & CBT mewn ardal, yn aml nid yw meddygon teulu yn gwybod y gallant atgyfeirio cleifion atynt

“Siaradais i gyda fo am yr ymchwil ddiweddaraf am gysylltiad ag awtoimiwn a dywedodd ein bod wedi gwneud profion gwaed felly rydych yn iawn. Dywedodd ‘rydym yn defnyddio NICE ac mae angen imi eich cyfeirio at y tîm seicoleg’. Wnaeth e ddim cynnig mwy o help na hynny.”

Yn gynharach eleni, cyn i ganllaw diwygiedig NICE ar gyfer ME/CFS gael ei ohirio, gofynnodd WAMES i bobl yng Nghymru ddweud wrthym am eu hymgynghoriadau â meddygon teulu. Roedd yr ymateb yn isel ond roeddem yn ddiolchgar i’r bobl a wnaeth yr ymdrech i rannu eu profiadau.

“Yn dilyn prawf gwaed arferol, cefais fy ngalw i’r llawdriniaeth oherwydd fy mod wedi magu ychydig o bwysau – roedd y meddyg teulu newydd wedi drysu ynghylch ME/CFS, defnyddio’r rhyngrwyd i feddwl am GET, nid oedd ganddo unrhyw ddealltwriaeth, nac ychwaith unrhyw ddealltwriaeth o Ganllawiau NICE dan adolygiad. Y cyfan oedd ymarfer ticio blychau, apwyntiad meddyg teulu wedi’i wastraffu a dim help o gwbl i mi.”

Siom oedd clywed yr un math o straeon yr ydym wedi bod yn eu clywed ers degawdau. Mae cleifion yn aml yn cyfrif eu hunain yn ffodus os yw meddyg teulu yn cyfaddef nad oes ganddynt unrhyw wybodaeth, ond yn dal i fod yn ddigon pryderus i dreulio amser yn chwilio am rywbeth i helpu i leddfu eu symptomau!

“Mae gan y meddygon… ddealltwriaeth wael o’r cyflwr, yn enwedig y meddygon teulu, sydd wrth gwrs wedyn yn treiddio drwodd i weddill y feddygfa. Dim hyd yn oed lefel sylfaenol o ofal, a sylwadau mân. Rwy’n ymweld â nhw cyn lleied â phosibl gan ei fod yn fy ypsetio’n ormodol. Mae hyn yn ychwanegu’n fawr at ymdeimlad o unigedd, anobaith a chael eich anghofio.”

Derbyniodd NICE hefyd lawer o enghreifftiau o ofal gwael a niwed o driniaethau

Mae adroddiad WAMES hefyd yn archwilio’r ystod eang o enghreifftiau o ofal iechyd gwael a gafodd pwyllgor canllaw NICE yn ystod y broses adolygu.

Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys:

  • diffyg cred am ME/CFS fel cyflwr go iawn
  • diffyg dealltwriaeth o’r hyn ydyw a’r effaith anablu y mae’n ei chael, yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhai yr effeithir yn ddifrifol arnynt, gan gynnwys ei natur anwadal
  • symptomau dryslyd ac arwyddion o gam-drin neu esgeulustod, yn enwedig mewn plant neu’r rhai yr effeithir arnynt yn ddifrifol
  • anawsterau wrth gael mynediad at wasanaethau oherwydd pellter, symudedd, gorlwytho synhwyraidd ac ati
  • loteri cod post ar gyfer gwasanaethau arbenigol
  • niwed a adroddwyd o weithgarwch corfforol anstrwythuredig a therapi ymarfer corff anhyblyg a gynlluniwyd i drin daddymheru
  • Mae’r canllaw newydd yn ‘fuddugoliaeth gwyddoniaeth dros wahaniaethu’.

Mae’r canllaw newydd yn ‘fuddugoliaeth gwyddoniaeth dros wahaniaethu’

Mae cleifion, a llawer o feddygon, ymchwilwyr a ffisiotherapyddion wedi bod yn llafar wrth groesawu’r canllaw newydd, sydd â diffiniad llawer gwell o ME/CFS, sef gwrthod therapiau anhyblyg niweidiol (GET & CBT) yn seiliedig ar ddamcaniaeth ‘datdymheru’ a ‘ credoau salwch di-fudd’, ffocws ar reoli egni i osgoi gwaethygu symptomau (PEM).

Mae cyfle gwirioneddol i ganllaw NICE 2021 roi terfyn ar yr ‘argyfwng iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol’ ar gyfer pobl ag ME/CFS yng Nghymru.

Felly mae WAMES yn gofyn i’r GIG a gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol yng Nghymru beidio ag oedi mwyach:

  • dilyn y wyddoniaeth
  • gwrando ar gleifion a gofalwyr
  • dechrau’r broses o ddatblygu gwasanaeth gofal iechyd diogel, empathetig a theg i bobl ag ME/CFS
  • dim oedi – dechreuwch weithredu canllaw NICE ME/CFS 2021 heddiw!

Lawrlwythwch yr adroddiad: Is NICE ME/CFS guidance implemented in Wales?

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Blog newyddion Cymraeg hatal. Cadwch yn gyfoes ar y wefan Saesneg.

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Cyfarchion flwyddyn newydd gan WAMES

 Cyfarchion flwyddyn newydd gan y tÎm WAMES.Rydym yn gobeithio y byddwch yn cael y Nadolig i chi ei angen ac rydym yn dymuno iachach, hapusach , yn ddiogel ac yn sych 2016 i chi!
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Helpu tyfu ymwybyddiaeth ME yn yr iaith Gymraeg ar-lein

Help ar gael i greu a rhannu newyddion digidol y Gymraeg

Dros y chwe mis nesaf fe fydd Canolfan Newyddiaduraeth Gymunedol Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnal ymgyrch i helpu unrhyw un sydd am greu a rhannu newyddion a gwybodaeth amserol yn ddigidol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Bydd pytiau pwrpasol ar gael yn gyson ar ddefnyddio rhwydweithiau cymdeithasol poblogaidd megis Facebook a Twitter; gwybodaeth am ddeunyddiau digidol sydd wedi eu creu yn benodol ar gyfer y Gymraeg; a chanllawiau mwy eang ar sut i fynd ati i sefydlu gwefannau a newyddion cymunedol yn Gymraeg.

Dan nawdd Llywodraeth Cymru, fe fyddwn hefyd yn cynnal hyfforddiant am ddim mewn sawl lleoliad ac yn creu pecynnau gam-wrth-gam yn gymorth i newyddiadurwyr cymunedol ac eraill sydd am greu a rhannu eu newyddion yn fwy effeithiol.

Rydym yn awyddus i sicrhau fod gymaint â phosib o bobl yn gwybod am, ac yn defnyddio, yr adnodd newydd ac yn cael cyfle i gael eu hyfforddi a’u mentora – boed yr unigolyn, grwp gwirfoddol neu gorff.

Os oes gennych gysylltiadau o fewn cymunedau Cymraeg rhannwch y tudalennau canlynol i helpu i dyfu iaith Cymraeg ar-lein.

WAMES is looking for Welsh speakers to join our communications team. We will support volunteers who wish to join us, but need training.

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What do you think of the Government’s ME/CFS services action plan?

The Health Minister, Mark Drakeford, has written to Local Health Boards drawing their attention to the Government’s Action Plan for improving services for people with ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia in Wales. Read it in English or Welsh.

[poll id=”9″]

Email us or leave a comment below if you have any comments or questions about this poll.

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Welsh news blog temporarily suspended

Apologies but we don’t have a Welsh speaking volunteer to update this blog so please keep up to date on the English blog

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Diweddariad ar gyfer GrĹľp Gorchwyl a Gorffen ME/CFS

WAMES took part in the 2nd Welsh Government Task & Finish Group meeting for ME/CFS on 21st February. The Terms of Reference for the group were confirmed as:

The Task and Finish Group will provide expert advice to the Welsh Government and NHS Wales. Advice should constitute a strategic approach to improving services for people with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia in Wales, with the aim that:

  • All children and adults with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia should be treated with dignity and respect and receive support on an equal basis with people receiving support for any other long term health condition, both in primary care and when accessing support from a range of secondary services
  • NHS Wales should be equipped to support patients to manage their conditions (insofar as possible), using effective and evidence based interventions (where available)
  • A consistent level of support should be provided across Wales, eliminating the ‘postcode lottery’ and over-reliance on a small number of individuals with an interest in these conditions

The group was told by the Health Minister that there would be NO additional money to develop services and that all services should follow the principles of prudent healthcare.

The Group will provide a short report and make recommendations to the Minister in the following areas:

  • Implementation of the pathways recommended by the original ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Task and Finish Group
  • Raising GP awareness of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia, to support timely diagnosis and effective management
  • Identifying/appointing clinical champions in each local health board and a ‘home’ for these services; this coordinating role could be taken by any one of a range of specialities but should not be located within mental health services
  • Establishing stakeholder groups to implement and adapt pathways in a locally sensitive way
  • Identifying and implementing improvements to services for children and young people and ensuring effective transition from paediatric to adult services
  • Developing and implementing practical solutions for hospital attendance where required and for domiciliary or remote care for patients too ill to travel to appointments
  • Any requirements for additional guidance for training purposes, to raise standards, to support action-planning in health boards and to enable audit of service delivery
  • Mechanisms to support implementation of the recommendations

Subject to Ministerial agreement, recommendations would result in letters to Chief Executives of Health Boards, asking them to implement the recommendations. It is proposed that progress in delivery would be supported and monitored by an Implementation Group.

The third and probably final meeting of the Group will take place on 9 May.

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Autoimmune basis for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome



Patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) have exaggerated orthostatic tachycardia often following a viral illness, suggesting autoimmunity may play a pathophysiological role in POTS. We tested the hypothesis that they harbor functional autoantibodies to adrenergic receptors (AR).


Fourteen POTS patients (7 each from 2 institutions) and 10 healthy subjects were examined for α1AR autoantibody‐mediated contractility using a perfused rat cremaster arteriole assay. A receptor‐transfected cell‐based assay was used to detect the presence of β1AR and β2AR autoantibodies. Data were normalized and expressed as a percentage of baseline.

The sera of all 14 POTS patients demonstrated significant arteriolar contractile activity (69¹3% compared to 91¹1% of baseline for healthy controls, P<0.001) when coexisting β2AR dilative activity was blocked; and this was suppressed by ι1AR blockade with prazosin.

POTS sera acted as a partial α1AR antagonist significantly shifting phenylephrine contractility curves to the right. All POTS sera increased β1AR activation (130±3% of baseline, P<0.01) and a subset had increased β2AR activity versus healthy subjects. POTS sera shifted isoproterenol cAMP response curves to the left, consistent with enhanced β1AR and β2AR agonist activity. Autoantibody‐positive POTS sera demonstrated specific binding to β1AR, β2AR, and α1AR in transfected cells.


POTS patients have elevated α1AR autoantibodies exerting a partial peripheral antagonist effect resulting in a compensatory sympathoneural activation of α1AR for vasoconstriction and concurrent βAR‐mediated tachycardia. Coexisting β1AR and β2AR agonistic autoantibodies facilitate this tachycardia. These findings may explain the increased standing plasma norepinephrine and excessive tachycardia observed in many POTS patients.

Autoimmune Basis for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome, by Hongliang Li et al in Journal of the American Heart Association, 26 February 2014

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WAMES CCB 1 Ebrill

The WAMES AGM will take place on 1st April in Dinas Powys. This will be a short business meeting to report on the activities of the past year and plan the priorities for the coming year.

Contact Jan if you have any comments about WAMES or issues you would like the committee to consider.

The post of secretary will become vacant following the AGM and we would love to hear from anyone who thinks they might be interested, as this post is vital for the smooth running of WAMES. More info

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