Links for carers
General information & support for carers
Carers Direct – information from the NHS online and via a confidential telephone and email helpline
Carers Wales – A charity which provides help and advice to members. The website and leaflets give useful information on rights and what help is available.
County by county guide to support for carers in your area
Crossroads Care Wales – a charity that provides practical local support for carers and the people they care for
Directgov – caring for someone – The UK government’s information on caring for people in England and Wales.
Looking after me – Local courses for people who care for someone with a long term health condition.
ME FM Action – information for carers from a Canadian perspective
Support groups
Foggy Friends Forum: ME/CFS Parents, Carers And Friends. A place just for parents, carers and friends to ‘chat’ online
CFS Care – email support group for those caring for people with CFS, ME, and associated illnesses.
NB many general ME support groups welcome carers
Information & Support for carers of children
Contact a family – Contact a Family provides support, advice and information for families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability.
Cerebra – A charity that offers support to parents, carers and others involved with any child with a brain related condition (brain injuries, neurological disorders, mental disabilities, developmental problems).