
make a difference for ME in Wales


WAMES relies on donations from groups and individuals

Raising funds need not be arduous or cost you any money. It can be a fun activity with friends or family or a low energy way to work with WAMES from your bed.


Earn free donations by shopping online

Raise funds at no cost to yourself by shopping at thousands of online stores. Sign up to easyfundraising. Download an app for iOS or Android or a ‘Donation reminder’ for your PC and always enter online shops through

Name WAMES as your charity of choice when shopping with Amazon, through Amazon smile.


Sponsored events

Challenge yourself or a friend to do something active like a long walk, marathon, parachute jump, swim etc.

Try something more low energy like a sponsored silence, body shave (e.g., head, legs), sleep; pyjama wearing day (how many places can you visit in your PJs?)

Contact us for help with getting started. Set up an online fundraising page. We work with Charity Choice .


Social events

Bring people together at a car boot sale, concert, coffee morning, parties, pub quizz or treasure hunt.


Use your skills

Design and sell your own cards, make cakes, fudge, plants etc. Or auction your time for babysitting, gardening, teaching a skill etc.


At home

Make a small change jar from a jam pot. Every now and then your family can clear their purses of some coins without noticing they’ve gone. When you have enough – send a cheque to WAMES. Your bank or supermarket may have a coin sorting machine. Read more information 


At school

Hold a non-uniform day, mad hair day or fancy dress day; school fair; Pop idol, play or concert; Teddy bear’s picnic; collection; a teacher talent show.


At work

Raise awareness and funds through a dress-down Friday, glam day, fancy dress day, loose change jar or swear box, auction of promises, quiz lunch or evening, sell packed lunches.


Collect in your area

Ask your local shop or centre to display a collection tin. If you wish to collect in a public place you will need a permit. Contact us for more details & tins.


Local fundraisers

Many areas have organisations that regularly raise funds for charities: student rag days; gardens & historical buildings; retired people’s groups; professional associations etc.

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