Guidelines & Policies
Over the years many guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of ME and CFS have been published but none have achieved acceptance by all. There is still much disagreement and confusion in the medical profession about the nature of ME and CFS. Different schools of thought have produced guidelines with significantly different approaches.
The following acknowledge the neurological classification of ME ICD10 G93:3:
- Canadian guidelines – In 2005 WAMES endorsed these guidelines as ‘being the best current example of medical guidelines for the immuno-neurological condition called ME’.
- International guidelines – In 2012 an international group of physicians built on the Canadian guidelines to produce a wider consensus document.(This edition can be printed in black & white apart from the first and last page)
The following guidelines have a psycho-social emphasis:
- RCPCH guidelines – read WAMES’ response to RCPCH guidelines
The Welsh Assembly Government acknowledges that ME is a chronic disease and that there ‘remains a lack of evidence and consensus on appropriate assessment and treatment.’ The following documents illustrate the Government attitude to ME and CFS: