Low energy fundraising ideas

  • Sell unwanted possessions on eBay
  • Ask friends and family to sponsor you to: keep silent for a day; shave your head or dye your hair blue; give up chocolate, TV, texting etc
  • Birthday wish-list – ask people to donate money to your favourite cause instead of buying you a present
  • Bring-&-buy-a-book coffee morning – Invite friends and neighbours over for coffee and homemade cakes. Ask everybody to bring good used paperbacks, CDs or DVDs that can be sold for 50p or £1 each. You could also charge a small entrance fee
  • Ask a local community or faith group to arrange a one-off fundraising event or adopt WAMES for a month or year. Groups could include Rotary, Ladies Circle, Soroptomists, Church women’s groups, choirs, sports or fitness groups, WI, Gardening or photography clubs
  • Use your hobby to raise money: make greeting cards, raise plants from seed, make fudge or truffles.



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