Kathryn’s story

Pain so intense in the back of my skull I thought I was dying.

Huge difficulty concentrating and remembering anything learned so my school grades fell and it took me over three years to learn to drive.

Dizzy spells and fainting fits which caused dangerous falls which I was helpless to prevent and could occur at any time.

Shooting joint pains in arms and legs that caused me to collapse. Muscle weakness so severe I couldn’t even move.

Severe sensitivity to light, sound and touch so I had to retreat to bed in a darkened room. Symptoms and pain similar to a heart attack for which I was hospitalized for observation. Persistent sore throat, swollen lumps under my arms.

Many consecutive nights with no sleep or extremely fragmented and unrefreshing sleep which made it impossible to function during the day due to the resulting fatigue. Bizarre and unusually vivid dreams.

Freezing cold extremeties where the cold seemed to get into my bones and was incredibly painful. Feeling like my airway was clogged up with hairs and having difficulty breathing.

Unexplained rashes and sudden allergies.


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