UK CFS/M.E. Research Collaborative (CMRC) conference September 2018

Action for ME (AfME) has posted online videos of presentations from day one of the conference, including:

  • Dr Nina Muirhead on ‘The views of a Doctor with ME on educating Doctors and medical students about ME’
  • Prof Alain Moreau on the ‘Identification of post-exertional dysregulated circulating microRNAs in ME/CFS pathogenesis’
  • Dr Mark Jones on ‘What will it take for the pharmaceutical industry to engage in CFS/ME drug discovery’
  • Dr Luis Nacul on ‘The UK ME/CFS biobank: Accelerating global research in ME/CFS’
  • Prof Carmine Pariante, on ‘Is inflammation the link between the body and the brain’
  • Dr Elise Oltra  on ‘Differential microRNA profiles in PBMCs and plasma EVs of severely affected ME/CFS patients’
  • Prof Cathie Sudlow held the Anne Faulkner Memorial Lecture and presented on ‘Big health data and open science: a powerful combination to generate new understanding of disease’
  • Dr Neil Harrison on ‘MRC-funded update: Imaging exercise-induced Post-Exertional Malaise in ME/CFS’
  • Prof Frances Williams on ‘Twins and the study of chronic pain genetics’
  • Rachel French on ‘CFS/ME, IBS and Fibromyalgia: Chance association or common pathway’
  • Rachel Hunter on ‘The economic impact of CFS/ME’
  • Dr Eliana Lacerda on ‘European collaboration in ME/CFS: The EUROMENE network’

Watch videos

ME Association summary report of the 2018 CMRC research conference

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