Author Archives: wames

Research: Compelled loneliness & necessitated social isolation in ME

Compelled loneliness and necessitated social isolation: “It’s like being on the other side of a mirror, just looking in” Natalie Wotherspoon interviewed 42 people with ME and found that loneliness can be an integral part of living with ME. She … Continue reading

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Christmas greeting & opening hours 2023

Christmas greetings from all at WAMES   WAMES is run by volunteers, many of whom have ME or care for us. We will be taking some time off over the festive period so we can start the new year refreshed … Continue reading

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#newWAMESwebsite fundraising – nearly there!

More donations – nearer to our target!   A big thank you to the donors from the Carmarthenshire ME support group, and all those who contributed through PayPal and Easy Fundraising to give us another £200 towards purchasing a new … Continue reading

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Research review: Viral infection as cause of ME/CFS

Viral infections found in people with ME/CFS   Korean researchers searched the medical literature to find which viruses were associated with ME/CFS. Borna disease virus (BDV), a viral disease of warm-blooded animals, notably horses and sheep, had the strongest links. … Continue reading

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ME/CFS Delivery Plan for Wales – WAMES’ proposal

ME/CFS Delivery plan for Wales proposal   WAMES welcomed the DHSC’s Interim delivery plan on ME/CFS for England when it was published in September. We were also pleased that the Welsh Government is ‘keen to review the views of their … Continue reading

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Research: Increased risk of heart attacks & strokes for people with long COVID & ME/CFS

Long COVID & ME/CFS have similarly impaired vascular function   Researchers from Scotland found similar problems with the lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) in both people with long COVID and ME/CFS, in spite of people with ME/CFS being ill … Continue reading

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WMEA calls on UN to address post-viral illnesses in future pandemic planning

32 organisations call for future pandemic preparedness to address infection-associated chronic conditions    The World ME Alliance says future pandemic preparedness will fail millions without explicit recognition of and research into infection associate chronic conditions. On 20th September 2023, the … Continue reading

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Research: Diagnosing ME/CFS by analysing questionnaires with Machine Learning

Machine learning analysis of SF-36 Health questionnaire could be as diagnostic tool for ME/CFS   Spanish researchers looked for an alternative to using an expensive and invasive exercise test (CPET) as a diagnostic biomarker in patients with ME/CFS. They found … Continue reading

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Research: ME/CFS & pregnancy

ME/CFS and pregnancy: a systematic review   When reviewing studies of pregnancy in women living with ME/CFS, researchers from Newcastle University found the impact of pregnancy on ME/CFS severity varied within and between the small number of relevant studies. The … Continue reading

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New NHS ME/CFS & Long COVID service in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB

Primary fatigue service, Cwm Taf MUHB   Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTMUHB) is the first health board in Wales to launch a service for post viral illness, which includes both ME/CFS and Long COVID. Who is the service … Continue reading

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