A website containing a catalogue of all the articles on ME written by Margaret Williams and Professor Malcolm Hooper can be found at: www.margaretwilliams.me/

The articles in this catalogue have been available on the internet or elsewhere for many years but now for the first time have been brought together in one place. The intention is to provide a valuable historical resource for researchers, advocates, patients and anyone interested in the illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. These articles illustrate how the “Wessely School” have ignored the biomedical science on ME/CFS for almost 30 years.

Margaret Williams is the pen-name used by someone who spent her professional life in the British National Health Service (NHS), latterly in a senior clinical capacity for many years until severe ME put an end to her career. For professional and personal reasons she does not wish her own name to be in the public domain.

Malcolm Hooper is Professor Emeritus of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Sunderland in the UK, and is an advocate for ME/CFS patients. He chaired the International Invest in ME Conference in 2008, 2010, and 2011. He is also the Chief Scientific Adviser to the British Gulf War Veterans Association.


With contributions from Eileen Marshall (1994-2007) and others.

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