Category Archives: News

Prof Brian Hughes: 2021 NICE guideline myths

Getting it Right: Addressing myths about the 2021 NICE guideline for ME/CFS   Brian Hughes is an academic psychologist and university professor in Galway, Ireland with a blog called the Science bit. On World ME Day 2023 he spoke to … Continue reading

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Research review: Biomarkers for ME/CFS

Biomarkers for ME/CFS: a systematic review   Australian researchers found 101 key studies in ME/CFS that varied in efficacy, quality, and potential to be developed into a diagnostic biomarker. Most were blood-based and measured a range of dysfunction. “Many of … Continue reading

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Review: Exercise intolerance in ME/CFS & PASC: more in common than not?

Exercise Pathophysiology in ME/CFS and PASC   This review finds the mechanisms of systemic blood flow, ventilatory control, hemodynamic and gas exchange derangements to be involved in exercise intolerance in both conditions. Exercise Pathophysiology in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and … Continue reading

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Pacing my way through Pain Clinic

Avoiding PEM by pacing my way through Pain Clinic   PF gives her experience of an ME/CFS friendly way of attending a Pain Clinic in south Wales. As my referral to the Pain Clinic was made during Covid lockdown I … Continue reading

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Poem: PEM at 2am

PEM at 2 am by Ffion For World ME Day, 12th May 2023  “M.E. – the disease where pushing harder can make you sicker”    Shattered… Battered… Shell-shocked… Dazzled… Detonated from sleep… By explosion in my brain. Perspiration… Prostration… Nausea… … Continue reading

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Poem about PEM: The Cost of Living

The Cost of Living: from and to, or… Thoughts from my bed by Rachel Hazlewood   I try to live my life – and then I find I’m back in bed again: Exhausted, drained, wrung out and weak; Too tired … Continue reading

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Top Tips handout for GPs

Top tips handout for GPs from Doctors with ME   A new handout for GPs from Doctors with ME: outlines what ME/CFS is and is not gives the key symptoms of ME highlights Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM) or Post Exertional Symptom … Continue reading

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Diagnosing ME/CFS in people with Long COVID: US CCC statement

Diagnosing ME/CFS in People with Long COVID   The US ME/CFS Clinician Coalition have produced a Consensus Statement about Long COVID.   Since 2020, we’ve been seeing people with Long COVID whose symptoms overlap with ME/CFS. We recommend you consider ME/CFS … Continue reading

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Safe Long COVID & ME/CFS rehabilitation

Safe Long COVID Rehabilitation a video from Long COVID Physio   Physiotherapists living with Long COVID have produced a short video [5 mins 15] for fellow physios explaining the importance of providing safe rehabilitation for people with LC and ME/CFS. … Continue reading

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PEM: Running out of battery & feeling intensely unwell: a carer’s perspective

PEM: Running out of battery & feeling intensely unwell: a carer’s perspective   I guess you’ve probably heard of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis – by its abbreviation ‘ME’. Maybe you’ve got an idea that it’s about being tired all the time. That … Continue reading

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