Category Archives: News

ME/CFS: differential diagnosis of vasovagal syncope

Abstract Fatigue is a frequent symptom in the general population, being reported by up to 50 % of the respondents to large-scale surveys. It is attributable to underlying systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiopulmonary disease, or rheumatoid arthritis, but may … Continue reading

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Relationship between idiopathic intracranial hypertension and CFS

Abstract Introduction Similarities between chronic fatigue syndrome and idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) invite speculation that they may be related. Cranial venous outflow obstruction plays a role in the development of IIH. Could it be a factor in chronic fatigue? This … Continue reading

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Interleukin-6 levels at rest and in response to exercise

Research abstract IL-6 plays a mechanistic role in conditions such as metabolic syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and clinical depression and also plays a major role in inflammatory and immune responses to exercise. The purpose of this study was to investigate … Continue reading

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Q-fever patients suffer long after the acute phase

Research abstract OBJECTIVES: During the largest Q-fever outbreak ever reported, a cohort study was established to assess the health status of Q-fever patients over a 24-month period and to identify factors associated with health status. METHODS: Laboratory-confirmed Q-fever patients participated … Continue reading

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CFS and co-morbid conditions

Research abstract Background: Epidemiologic data that inform our understanding of the type, frequency, and burden of co-morbidities with chronic fatigue syndrome is limited. Purpose: To elucidate co-morbid and consequent conditions, using data from a clinical epidemiology study of long-term CFS … Continue reading

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Immunoglobulin treatment concerns for Parvovirus B19

Research highlights Parvovirus B19 infection can be involved in the pathogenesis of CFS. Previous reports described a favourable outcome of CFS associated with B19V by IVIG treatment. In our experience the administration of IVIG to a patient suffering of B19V-associated … Continue reading

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Subgroup of ME/CFS also have IBS

Research abstract BACKGROUND: There is evidence that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is accompanied by gastro-intestinal symptoms; and IgA and IgM responses directed against lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of commensal bacteria, indicating bacterial translocation. METHODS: This study was carried out to examine … Continue reading

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Long term prognosis study of patients with CFS

Research abstract Objective: To examine the effect of early clinical and demographic factors on occupational outcome, return to work or awarded permanent disability pension in young patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Intervention: A written self-management … Continue reading

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The impact of a child’s CFS/ME on family relationships

Research abstract Although there is a large body of research literature concerning the impact of childhood chronic illness on family relationships, very little of this has specifically focussed on the impact of childhood Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalopathy (CFS/ME). The current … Continue reading

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Voices from the shadows – a film about ME, with a warning

The film ‘Voices from the Shadows’ is now available to watch for free until the end of the year – on Vimeo – by entering a promo code of   VOICES after clicking the “rent for $3” button. Vimeo also requires … Continue reading

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