Category Archives: News

#DecodeME research: Being female, older and ill for longer increase the chance of greater severity

Initial findings from the DecodeME questionnaire data published   The Study team report: We’ve analysed questionnaire answers from the first 17,000 DecodeME participants and the results have been published by NIHR Open Research – read the paper HERE. We are … Continue reading

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The viral origin of ME/CFS – Prof Hanson’s view

The viral origin of ME/CFS   Experienced US researcher Prof Maureen Hanson explores the evidence for the viral connection to ME/CFS and finds no proof that multiple infections lead to ME/CFS. She sees enteroviruses as the most likely culprit and … Continue reading

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Research: Measuring everyday ME/CFS physical abnormalities at home

Home-based testing protocol to measure physiological responses to everyday activities in ME   Physios for ME and an exercise specialist have trialled a safe method of measuring the effect of everyday activities on people with ME/CFS. CPET exercise testing in … Continue reading

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Wales & the English ME/CFS Delivery Plan

‘My full reality: the interim delivery plan on ME/CFS’ and the implications for Wales   On 9th August 2023 the Department of Health & Social Care published a ‘set of actions to improve the experiences and outcomes of people in … Continue reading

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ME/CFS Delivery Plan for England published

Delivery Plan on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for England   The DHSC has published the cross-Government Delivery Plan on ME/CFS for England that was begun in May 2022 by the former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care … Continue reading

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Severe ME Day: New minicourse on severe ME

Severe ME clinical training for health professionals   For Severe ME Awareness Day, Learna / StudyPRN are providing all healthcare professionals with free educational content via their ‘Question of the Day’ Campaign to challenge and improve clinical knowledge, understanding and … Continue reading

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Ffion: Struck down by ME & vax, uplifted by poetry & card-making

Struck down by ME and vaccinations – Uplifted by poetry and card-making   A lover of the outdoors, and a literature and languages graduate, Ffion’s ME deteriorated after a COVID vaccination. Her life was already restricted, though she had found … Continue reading

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A life in a day? A poem by Ffion for Severe ME Day

A LIFE IN A DAY …? 8th August 2023: Severe ME Day         Rise, Take pain-med. Lie down to recover … Try to read EMail? Lie down to recover … Eat light breakfast, Recline to recover … … Continue reading

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Severe ME: caring for bedbound with ME

Caring for people with ME/CFS who are bedbound   Emerge Australia has put together a guide to help you care for a loved one who is severely impacted by ME/CFS and has become bedbound People who are mostly or entirely … Continue reading

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#EndMalnutrionInME guidelines

Severe ME day – #EndMalnutrionInME guidelines   ME needs to be recognised as a risk disease for malnutrition For Severe ME Day 2023 the 25% Group, which represents people with severe ME, say that currently, allied health care professionals are … Continue reading

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