2 articles about the effects of low-level radiation are on the National CFIDS Foundation website at

Health of Liquidators (Clean-up Workers) 20 Years after the Chernobyl explosion

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of the most important consequences of radioecological disaster resulting in an interaction of different hazardous environmental factors. CFS can be considered as an environmentally induced predisposition and vestige of forthcoming neurodegeneration that included cognitive impairment.  Increased incidence of CFS has been seen in exposed populations in Chernobyl, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Health Effects of Chernobyl and Fukushima: 30 and 5 years down the line

The article was commissioned by Greenpeace of Belgium.

A prospective study of personnel working on transformation of the Chernobyl NPP Object “Shelter” into an ecologically safe system showed that exposure to radiological (0–56.7 mSv, М±SD:19.9±13.0 mSv dose) and industrial risk factors may lead to the onset of cognitive CFS characterized by a dysfunction of cortical-limbic system mainly in the dominant (left) hemisphere with an important involvement of hippocampus. page 45

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