Struck down by ME and vaccinations – Uplifted by poetry and card-making


A lover of the outdoors, and a literature and languages graduate, Ffion’s ME deteriorated after a COVID vaccination.

Her life was already restricted, though she had found a release through writing poetry (often humorous) and making cards, and was occasionally able to enjoy short walks in nature. The vaccination changed that. Now, she says:

Must lie down, darkened room, eye-mask on, in silence, 5-7 hours a day. 

Generally spend, daily, 15-17 hours lying in/on bed.

When upright for c. 1hr in house, very limited – able to:

  • make 1-2 cards a day, on a good day
  • type a couple of emails
  • write and upload a poem
  • listen to a little Audible (unable to read book etc. since 2010 and unable to hold face-to-face or phone conversation for more than a couple of minutes…. Oh, the irony…. and me a literature and languages graduate….)
  • watch c. 20-30 mins of “easy” TV in evening – nothing fast-paced, active, bright/flashy etc and no more French films for me, nor sub-titled ones, etc. etc.

To sum up

When able to do so very little
It’s a struggle …
To fill in an endless day …

“Activity” must be
Meticulously measured …


No, divided ….

Then …

Taken away …

Ffion’s husband manages her poetry blog. Each poem is accompanied by a carefully chosen image and she has noted the important role he plays in her life and creativity.

Thank you to the good man in my life




Lying, quietly, in comfy bed …
Room bathed in monochromatic light …

Gradually, the world awakens …
Advancing daylight vanquishes night.

And then appears …. The Good Man …
His presence a balm to my burnt-out brain …

“How was your night?”, he gently asks …
And day – if not Life – begins again …

Ffion marks Severe ME Day 2023 with: A life in a day

Read more poems by Ffion: ffionoriginalpoems

See Ffion’s cards on Facebook:


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2 Responses to Ffion: Struck down by ME & vax, uplifted by poetry & card-making

  1. Thomas G Dolan says:

    Ffion is a Gem to so many fellow sufferers!

  2. Nancy Wood says:

    Ffion, your word sculptures portray our lives so vividly.
    It’s a comfort to know we are not alone as we encounter this again each morning: “And day – if not Life – begins again …”
    Resting can be such endless hard work when lack of energy has you pinned to the bed, but you’re too uncomfortable to relax or sleep.
    Sending you hopes for an easier-to-rest day.