Impact of ME/CFS on patients & their family:
a clinical research study by a third-year medical student at Cardiff University
Aim of the project:
The aim of this project is to gain a better insight into the many ways in which ME/CFS can manifest itself in patients with ME/CFS and to explore the impact this has on the patients and their family members.
To help with this, two short ‘quality of life’ questionnaires will be sent to everyone who wishes to participate in this research.
All participants must be at least 18 years of age.
- Participants should have a diagnosis of ME/CFS made by a doctor or practicing healthcare professional.
- Please try to assess whether you are likely to be well enough to take part at the specified time, but participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time if necessary.
- All family members do not need to live at the same address.
The student is looking for a maximum of 40 families to take part, each with up to 4 family members.
Questionnaires will be sent out the week commencing 11th March 2019
Do you want to take part, or do you have questions?
The person with ME/CFS, (or primary carer if severely affected) should email the research supervisor Dr Nina Muirhead
Give your home address and state:
‘I and my family would like to volunteer to be part of a pilot study to look at the impact of ME/CFS on quality of life for both the patient and their families’.
University of Cardiff, School of Medicine
UHW Main Building, Heath Park
Cardiff CF14 4XN
Hi I have been diagnosed with CFS.
50 years old. Mother and Wife to three teenagers. Living in North Wales.