May 12th is International ME Awareness day
During 2020 and 2021 the world has been shocked, particularly in the West, by the indiscriminate damage that a virus can have. Chronic post-viral illness has been catapulted into the spotlight.
But post-viral illness is not new. Multiple viruses have triggered the majority of cases of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). 13,000 people in Wales are thought to be affected by the illness, 17 million globally. Following COVID-19 that number is likely to grow.
During 2021 WAMES is sharing through our website, social media and galleries:
- Key facts about ME/CFS
- Quotes from people experiencing and working with ME/CFS in Wales
A lot is not known about ME/CFS or long COVID but what is known, needs to be acted on.
Wales has been been a healthcare desert for people with ME. It is time to take action to change that!