Tracy Duvall blog post, 10 June 2017: ME/CFS: A new explanation – and cure?

In a recent paper, Dr. Willy Eriksen proposes a complete explanation for the development, diversity, and persistence of myalgic encephalomyelitis, aka chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). He also suggests a possible cure. Seeing that this potentially groundbreaking research was attracting little attention, I contacted Dr. Eriksen and interviewed him via email. This post contains a summary of his hypothesis, which I’ve tried to present in everyday language.

Other posts contain:

1) the interview, which contains considerable new information about his hypothesis, and 2) my understanding of how Eriksen’s model fits with other research—and with my experience.

Eriksen holds an MD and PhD and is a research professor at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Ultra-short summary
…Clumps of immune cells form in one or more key spots along the nervous system. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects the clump(s), and this causes inflammation in the area. This inflammation provokes a reaction in the nervous system, which directly and indirectly accounts for the symptoms of ME/CFS. Extracting a patient’s immune cells, priming them to fight EBV, and returning them to his or her body might cure the disease.

Read the full blog post for more information


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