Caring for people with ME/CFS who are bedbound


Emerge Australia has put together a guide to help you care for a loved one who is severely impacted by ME/CFS and has become bedbound

People who are mostly or entirely bedbound by ME/CFS may need support with:

ME/CFS leaves some people so unwell that they are not able to manage any activities of daily living without help.

They are often extremely sensitive to light, sound and touch, and need total care.

They may not be able to speak or may only be able to speak in short bursts.

While some of the information in the guide is tailored for people living in Australia it also covers the range of symptoms and disabilities and the need to work with healthcare professionals and look out for changes to the bedbound person’s condition.

Also included are practical tips for helping with activities of daily living:

  • bathing
  • toileting
  • tooth brushing
  • dressing
  • eating and drinking
  • moving and better positioning to protect the person from pressure ulcers, contractures, skin and joint irritation, and poor alignment
  • mobility and transfers to protect both the carer and person with ME/CFS from injury due to lifting and turning
  • setting up the room to protect the person from unnecessary physical, cognitive or emotional exertion
  • Support and socialising

Read the 8 page guide online

Download the pdf

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