Severe ME clinical training for health professionals


For Severe ME Awareness Day, Learna / StudyPRN are providing all healthcare professionals with free educational content via their ‘Question of the Day’ Campaign to challenge and improve clinical knowledge, understanding and patient management of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Clinicians are invited to complete the course to receive a 0.5 Hour CPD Certificate.

Take part here

Author Dr Nina Muirhead says:

“To mark Severe ME Awareness 2023, this is a short case based series to improve knowledge and increase awareness.

Our case is presented over 5 days and covers four years in the life of a 28 year old man, Rishi.

Questions are designed to engage learners with some of the greatest challenges associated with very severe ME/CFS, including diagnosis and investigations, home visits, managing severe malnutrition and navigating hospital admission as well as recognising the impact of severe and very severe ME/CFS on the quality of life of patients and their families.”

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