UK ME Groups
There are many groups open to people from all over the UK, although they cannot all provide detailed and up to date information about Welsh issues.
Groups for all ages
25% Group A support group for severely affected sufferers.
Action for ME (AfME) A major patient charity which also campaigns and provides support to local groups.
Christians with ME An online meeting place where Christian sufferers and carers can find friendship and support with the freedom to discuss all aspects of their health, life and faith.
Connexions A group for Jehovah’s Witnesses,who suffer from ME/CFS and other such ill health, and their carers.
ME Association (MEA) A major patient charity which also provides medical information and has a research fund.
ME/CFS parents A group for parents, parents-to-be and people considering parenthood, who have ME.
Overton Studios Trust A charity which offers holistic support for ME, with a variety of spiritual influences.
Parents with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / ME This online forum is for parents/ parents to be who have or whose partner has ME/CFS to share stories and to encourage one another.
Information about UK regional support groups can be found on the MEA website.