Tag Archives: Telegraph

Dr James le Fanu on the PACE trial and ‘experts’

The Telegraph – Doctor’s diary column , by Dr James le Fanu, 17 October:  Gove was right, we have had enough of experts Michael Gove’s remark amid the referendum campaign that ‘people have had enough of experts’ resonated widely – reflecting … Continue reading

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Lucy’s practical ways to show compassion to someone who is continually ill

Telegraph article: Living with chronic fatigue: How I wish my friends would treat me, by Lucy Mayhew , 21 December 2015. Bear Grylls and I have virtually nothing in common – the survival expert has a GTI turbo-charged body, whereas seven … Continue reading

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Shepherd says doctors should apologise to ME patients

It’s time for doctors to apologise to their ME patients, by Dr Charles Shepherd in Telegraph online, 7 december 2015 For too long the medical community has dismissed ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome’ as a mental illness which can be cured with therapy … Continue reading

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Why those with treatable diseases get more sympathy than ME

Martha Gill, a blogger on politics and neurosciences comments: According to reports, a third of people who think they have ME may actually be suffering from something else – a disease called postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS). It has the same symptoms … Continue reading

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Dr Shepherd: theories of ME

Dr Charles Shepherd speaks to the Telegraph about his own experience of ME and the major theories of the condition: The origin of such symptoms remains a mystery. One theory gaining favour is that ME patients have an aberrant immune … Continue reading

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