Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) related conditions (CFSRCs), as defined in Dr Chris Newton’s article, represent a broad range of conditions of ill health for which an element of the symptom complex is fatigue resulting from altered/diminished physiological function.

It is probable that phenomena that are associated with the chronic fatigue process are also shared with other chronic illnesses, most particularly, those that involve infectious agents. In support of this, studies are now suggesting that the body’s own microbiota or metagenome plays a fundamental role in CFSRCs, such as insulin resistance and obesity. … Some of the conditions that lie within the symptom complex of CFSRCs can also be classified under another symptom complex known as affective spectrum disorders(ASDs).

A common element that is emerging for these is chronic inflammation, involving the neuro endocrine, immune, and metabolic systems and also the microbiota/metagenome of the body .

The article develops the idea that a factor controlling or modulating the inflammatory conditions is the body’s stress sensing and management pathways. Stress is defined as any situation to which the body must respond in order to maintain a state of equilibrium. No distinction is made here as to mode of stress; therefore stress can be physical as well as emotional and therefore can be induced by infectious agents and other environmental factors, including diet.

Given the epidemic proportion that obesity is assuming in Western Europe and the United States, this article also discusses the implications of current dietary practices in the light of a stress hypothesis and also the role of the metagenome. Finally, the article concludes with an outline of potential diagnostic and therapeutic interventions that might be made.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome related conditions (cfsrcs) and the role of the neuroendocrine, immune, metabolic and metagenomic systems: towards better diagnosis and treatment. Dr Chris Newton CIMMS journal 1:1 2012


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