Disability Wales Press Release, 31 August 2017: UN Committee Concluding Observations – UK going backwards on rights

A ‘human catastrophe’ – New UN condemnation for UK human rights record

The UK Government’s claim to be a ‘world leader in disability issues’ has today been crushed by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Committee has released damning Concluding Observations on the UK, following its first Review of the government’s compliance with the Convention.

The highlights of the press conference held by the UN Committee on the Rights of Disabled People at this afternoon are:

  • The Committee has made the highest ever number of recommendations to the UK.
  • The UK’s retrogression in ensuring Independent Living is a major concern. There is not adequate funding, resulting in too much institutionalisation.
  • There is a significant problem with Deaf and disabled people’s standard of living.
  • Disabled people continue to be disadvantaged in employment, and are not adequately compensated for disability by the state.

The Observations conclude last week’s public examination of the UK Government’s record on delivering disabled people’s rights. The examination was declared by the UK rapporteur Mr Stig Langvad, to be “the most challenging exercise in the history of the Committee”. Mr Langvad raised deep concerns on the UK Government’s failure to implement the rights of disabled people. He also noted the government’s “lack of recognition of the findings and recommendations of the (2016) Inquiry” which found ‘grave and systematic violations of disabled people’s human rights’…

The Concluding Observations (talk) do not make explicit reference to devolved Governments. Nonetheless, most recommendations apply across the UK and Welsh Government have a responsibility to incorporate the CRPD into new legislation and policy. They were asked in last week’s examination why this isn’t happening with the current Additional Learning Needs Bill. They answered that the ALN was written in the ‘spirit of the convention’ which didn’t explain why the Convention is not formally linked into the Bill.

In light of the Concluding Observations, Welsh Government must now take concrete action to ensure compliance with the Convention across all policy areas undertaken through full engagement with Disabled People’s Organisations and gathering robust data to monitor the impact of policies on tackling barriers to independent living.

The Social Services and Well Being Wales Act was noted in the (very short) ‘Positive Aspects’ section…                              Read more

BBC Newsnight on 31 Aug 2017 asks if the UK treats people with disabilities badly and discusses the UN conclusions. Starts at 23 mins for 5 minutes.

Disability Rights UK  blog post, 31 August 2017: A human catastrophe – New UN condemnation for UK human rights record

The UK Government’s claim to be a ‘world leader in disability issues’ has today been crushed by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

BPS news article, 31 August 2017: Psychologists back call for a new watchdog to protect the rights of disabled people

The British Psychological Society has welcomed the publication of a United Nations (UN) report that accuses the British government of violating the human rights of disabled people by slashing welfare provision.

The National news article, 31 August 2017: UN slams the UK Government saying welfare cuts have created a ‘human catastrophe’ for disabled people

A UN panel has slammed the UK for creating a “human catastrophe” for disabled people, and is “going backwards” in areas such as education, health, transport and social security

Independent news article, 31 August 2017: UN denounces British government for failing to protect disabled peoples’ rights

UN denounces British government for failing to protect disabled peoples’ rights

The Herald news articles, 31 August 2017: UK Government cuts driving disabled people into poverty, key UN committee says

DISABLED people are dying as a result of austerity measures and discrimination, campaigners have claimed, after the UK Government was sharply criticised by a United Nations watchdog committee.

BBC news post, 31 August: Disability assessors ‘lack right skills’

A government spokesman said: “We’re disappointed that this report does not accurately reflect the evidence we gave to the UN, and fails to recognise all the progress we’ve made to empower disabled people.”

Reuters, 31 August 2017: Britain ‘going backwards’ on rights of disabled, says U.N. committee

The U.N. Committee on the rights of disabled people said on Thursday it had more concerns about Britain – due to funding cuts, restricted rights and an uncertain post-Brexit future – than any other country in its 10-year history.


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