‘My full reality: the interim delivery plan on ME/CFS’ and the implications for Wales


On 9th August 2023 the Department of Health & Social Care published a ‘set of actions to improve the experiences and outcomes of people in England with ME/CFS’. They have invited  people living with ME/CFS, their families and carers, healthcare professionals and researchers to give their views on ‘a set of actions on research, attitudes and education, and living with ME/CFS, as well as about language used in ME/CFS’.

Although the proposals are aimed at those living in England they invite anyone living in the UK to take part in the consultation.

“For the time being, the interim delivery plan covers the population of England… The Welsh Government and Northern Ireland Executive are also keen to review the views of their residents on the interim delivery plan so that they can consider the implications for local policy.”

Feedback from Wales is welcome

The Welsh Government  has told WAMES that:

“Any feedback provided by Welsh residents will be valuable and will be considered in the development and evaluation of the Adferiad services to help us best serve people with ME/CFS.”

The feedback will be fed to the ‘community of practice‘ of representatives from all health boards, that has been set up around the Adferiad services.  They have been discussing expansion of services to include people with ME/CFS following the additional money allocated in March 2023 to expand long COVID services to include other post-viral conditions.

Currently WAMES is in talks with 4 of the health boards – Cardiff & Vale, Cwm Taf Morgannwg, Betsi Cadwaladr and Hywel Dda – about including ME/CFS in their post-viral or chronic conditions service programmes. We hope to hear soon whether plans are underway in the the other health boards.

Take part in the consultation

Find out more about how you can read or listen to the Delivery Plan proposals and take part in the consultation: ME/CFS Delivery Plan for England

You have until 4 October 2023 to respond but WAMES would also be interested in you thoughts on the Plan and it’s implication for Wales.

Contact Jan Russell: jan@wames.org.uk

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