Gwyn Hopkins, a 60 year old grandmother has just completed a 150 mile trek across the width of Wales in aid of ME in 10 days using footpaths and bridleways and spending nights in her one woman tent.

Thirteen years ago Gwyn was struck down with M.E. After weeks in hospital she became bedbound in her own home and faced a future in which mobility meant being pushed in a reclining wheelchair.

Her walk across Wales was aimed at demonstrating to the tens of thousands of ME sufferers in Britain that a full recovery is possible. Also she wanted to raise funds for “M.E. Research UK”, a charity funding biomedical research into ME.

“I want to do it simply because – now – I can” says Gwyn “it is such a joy to be out in the countryside again after spending years in bed, unable to walk more than a few paces. If I can help or inspire M.E. sufferers at the same time then that’s great.”

Gwyn, a former Monmouth care support worker who now lives in Somerset, says she made her against-the-odds recovery with great family support and by adopting Complementary Therapies. It took her 5 years. More about Gwyn  Donate to her charity

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