On Wednesday night (11th January) the UK Government was defeated in the Lords on 3 counts. The welfare reform bill was amended so that ESA in youth will not be axed, many cancer patients will continue to be exempt from the work capability assessment and contribution-based ESA for claimants in the work-related activity group will be paid for two years instead of just one (although late at night after most peers had gone home Lord Freud succeeded in limiting this to current claimants only). Next week we need to put maximum pressure on MPs to ensure this is not overturned when the Welfare Reform Bill returns to the Commons.

DLA and PIP will be debated next week in the Lords and you will be able to join WAMES and others in the Hardest Hit campaign to “Tweet to Defeat.” Thanks to all of you who contacted your MP or tweeted a Peer.

There is still time to sign Pat Onion’s petition:

Stop and review the cuts to benefits and services which are falling disproportionately on disabled people, their carers and families.

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