In less than a month, the Welfare Reform Bill will make its way back to the House of Commons.

MPs will have the chance to either vote for or reject some important changes made by the Lords designed to help people with disabilities and long-term conditions access the support they need.

  • Extending the proposed time-limit on contributory Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) to at least two years.
  • Protecting access to ESA for young people with disabilities or illness.

The vote of your MP will help determine the fate of thousands of people who rely on disability benefits.

Can you email your MP and ask them to make benefits fair?

Click Here to contact your MP in Support of the Campaign

The Liberal Democrat party conference in September 2011 passed a policy motion which opposed any arbitrary time limit on contributory Employment and Support Allowance (cESA), which the Hardest Hit coalition welcomed.

If you live in a constituency with a Lib Dem MP, please consider contacting your MP in person this week (the vote in the House of Commons could be as early as 1 February). As Lib Dem policy is against any time limit, we believe that Lib Dem MPs should at least support this Lords amendment which extends the time limit and so mitigates the effect for some people.

Mark Williams, Ceredigion

Jenny Willott, Cardiff Central

Roger Williams, Brecon & Radnorshire

WAMES supports the Hardest Hit campaign



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