David Melding (Canol De Cymru): A oes unrhyw gynlluniau i ddarparu clinig dynodedig yng Nghymru i drin Enseffalomyelitis Myalgig ac i helpu i ddatblygu gwasanaethau cymunedol. (WAQ60029)

Gweinidog Iechyd Lesley Griffiths:

“I am not aware of any plans to provide a designated clinic to treat Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) as this would be a matter for Health Boards. However, our work on the management of chronic diseases, including ME, is a high priority for the NHS in Wales, which is required to put in place appropriate measures to ensure prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment for patients, and to ensure care and support is provided in the right setting, by the right professional.

“To assist Health Boards in the management of this condition, the Care Pathway for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME was published in 2011. This helps health professionals in assessing and caring for people with this condition and ensures a consistent level of support and treatment. I expect all Health Boards to plan and deliver services in line with the Care Pathway.”

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