New estimates, calculated by charity Carers UK and the University of Leeds, show the care provided by friends and family members to ill, frail or disabled relatives is now worth a staggering £7.72 billion every year in Wales and £119 billion in the UK. (1)

  • The figure has risen by over a third since the 2007 estimate, which stood at £5.69 billion.
  • Carers’ contribution now far outstrips the total cost of the NHS in Wales (£5.230 billion).

New estimates show that there are around 370,000 people in Wales providing care for ill or disabled loved ones that would otherwise cost the state £18 an hour, meaning that each carer saves on average £20,864 a year.

Given this massive contribution, Carers Wales argues that society must do more to support growing numbers of carers. Carers can calculate their individual contribution using a ‘Care Calculator’, as well as accessing advice and information.


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