Are you concerned about Government cuts to disability benefits and services?

Join others who are affected by the cuts in a march in Cardiff on Sat 22nd October and help to send a clear message to the Government: stop these cuts. Marches will be held all over the UK organised by the Hardest Hit Campaign and supported by WAMES.

12.30 – Meet from 12.30 in the car park outside City Hall, Cathays Park.

1.00 – Speeches begin then the march will set off.

2.00 – Rally at the City Hall from 2.00.

Speakers: Boyd Clack (writer and star of Satellite City and High Hopes); Sarah Rochira the Director of RNIB Cymru, Rhian Davies the Director of Disability Wales, and Mohammad Asghar AM for South Wales East; local people who can speak from their own experiences about what the proposed cuts to benefits and services will mean to them as disabled people trying to live independent and fulfilling lives.

Directions to Cardiff City Hall -Click on the City Centre area of the map to open a more detailed view of the centre, showing rail links and information about parking.

Information about blue badge parking can be found on this map link:

To register your interest in the rally please email: or call 020 8522 7433

Even if you can’t attend you can:

1. Write to your MP and invite them to attend their local event.

2. Lobby your MP in the week leading up to the event to help make sure that they are aware of our campaign and the arguments against welfare reform.

3. Write to the editor of your local newspaper so that as many people as possible know the march is taking place.

5. Be a case study. Your story is the most important. Tell us why you support this campaign and help us show the human face of welfare reform.

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