Category Archives: Newyddion

Ymgynghoriad ad-drefnu ysbytai De Cymru

Mae Rhaglen De Cymru, yw enw’r cynllun i newid y ffordd y pedwar ysbyty yn cynnig gwasanaethau i bobl sy’n byw yn ne Cymru a de Powys. Cael gwybod am ddyddiadau cyfarfodydd (yn dechrau 3 Mehefin) a dogfennau ymgynghori ar wefan … Continue reading

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Anawsterau Diagnosis ar gyfer pobl dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig yn y DU

Research Abstract Aim   This study aims to explore the possible reasons for the lower levels of diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalitis (CFS/ME) in the black and minority ethnic (BME) population, and the implications for management. BACKGROUND:    Population studies suggest … Continue reading

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Tystiolaeth o ymchwil i blentyndod CFS / ME yn brin

Review Abstract Purpose  A range of interventions have been used for the management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) in children and adolescents. Currently, debate exists as to the effectiveness of these different management strategies. The objective of this review … Continue reading

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Strategaeth ar gyfer diffinio a gwahaniaethu ME a CFS

 Abstract The symptom spectrum of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) was first detailed in 1959 and later operationalised into a diagnostic protocol (Melvin Ramsey). In 1988 the Holmes case definition coined the term chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Fukuda’s Centers for Disease Control … Continue reading

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Increased 5-HT autoimmune activity in ME/CFS

Abstract Background Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is accompanied by activation of immuno-inflammatory pathways, increased bacterial translocation and autoimmune responses to serotonin (5-HT). Inflammation is known to damage 5-HT neurons while bacterial translocation may drive autoimmune responses. This study has … Continue reading

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Definitions of CFS/ME used in prevalence research

Abstract Purpose Prevalence estimates have been based on several case definitions of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The purpose of this work is to provide a rigorous overview of their application in prevalence research. Methods A systematic review of primary studies … Continue reading

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Cyfweliad gan Caru James am ME ar S4C

Caru James talks in Welsh on S4C’s Prynhawn Da about her experience of ME and employment with ME. Prynhawn Da episode 53 (available until 20 June) Caru’s interview begins at 27 minutes for 5 minutes.

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“Bedroom tax” hearing

The High Court this week is considering 10 claims being brought against the Government’s ‘Bedroom Tax’ that came into force on 1 April this year. The claims, made by a range of people affected by the Bedroom Tax, are being … Continue reading

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Cydnabyddiaeth a gofal ME yw ‘diffyg’ yng Nghymru

An ITV news report on 13th May 2013 highlighted the problems faced by people with ME in finding health and social care in Wales: People with the condition ME in Wales say they suffer from an absence of specialist care, … Continue reading

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Staff y Llyfrgell Llanelli yn helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o ME

From the South Wales Evening Post Saturday, May 04, 2013: Llanelli Library is doing its bit to draw attention to the needs of those who suffer with ME and their carers. Library assistant Caru James is leading efforts to educate … Continue reading

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