Category Archives: Newyddion

Stigma Budd-daliadau ym Mhrydain

Hundreds of thousands of poor, sick and disabled people say they have been put off applying for or collecting benefits because of the perceived stigma generated by false media depictions of “scroungers” – leading many to forgo essentials such as … Continue reading

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dioddefwyr Universal Credit

According to a report by the Chartered Institute of Housing, Universal Credit will deliver improvements on the current system but not all low-earning working households will really be better off e.g.: Lone parents with one, two or three children Most … Continue reading

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Problemau Credyd Universal

A number of news stories have highlighted existing and potential problems with the plans for introducing Universal Credit, the benefit designed to replace income-based jobseeker’s allowance, income-related employment support allowance, housing benefit, working tax credit, child tax credit and income … Continue reading

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Athro Harrington adolygiad WCA terfynol

Prof Malcolm Harrington’s final, year three, independent review of the WCA (Work Capability Assessment) was published on 20th November.   He claims to have found his experience with the DWP much more encouraging, apparently with universal support for his efforts to … Continue reading

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Adolygiad Pobl y WCA

The WeareSpartacus campaign has published a review of the Work Capability Assessment: It is now widely accepted that the Work Capability Assessment is deeply flawed and is causing harm to many vulnerable people. Countless articles and reports have been written, … Continue reading

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Addasiadau rhesymol ar gyfer disgyblion anabl

The Equality and Human Rights Commission have published guides to the implementation of ‘reasonable adjustments’ in schools.  The duty was first introduced under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The reasonable adjustments duty under the Equality Act operates slightly differently and … Continue reading

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Gwestiwn Seneddol y DU: Royal Mail

Asked by The Countess of Mar: To ask Her Majesty’s Government in what circumstances Royal Mail staff are required to open correspondence to the Department for Work and Pensions from claimants containing confidential medical information, as reported in the Independent … Continue reading

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Dr Dowsett on ME relapses

To commemorate the life of Dr Betty Dowsett the Young ME Sufferers Trust has posted online an article by her about ME relapses. There’s No Smoke Without Fire! Some comments on the tendency to replase in ME She lists the … Continue reading

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“A helping hand from Royal Mail this Christmas”

Are you on Pension Credit, Employment Support Allowance or Incapacity Benefit? Why not take advantage of Royal Mail’s generosity by purchasing up to 36 stamps at Christmas 2011 prices between the 6th November and 24th December. More details can be … Continue reading

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Pediatrig ME/CFS ymchwil adolygiad

Crynodeb Research on pediatric Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is reviewed in this article. Many recent articles in this area highlight the existence of key differences between the adult and pediatric forms of the illness. This review article provides an … Continue reading

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