Category Archives: Newyddion

Gwneud ESA ap̻l Рfideo

A video for people considering an Employment and Support Allowance appeal to Tribunal has been posted on You tube by Dr Jane Rayner, Chief Medical Member of the Social Security Tribunals service. Making an appeal to the Social Security and … Continue reading

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CFS a FMS – yr un cyflwr?

Dr Benjamin Natelson has conducted a review of research studies comparing CFS and Fibromyalgia and is currently recruiting in the US for a number of studies into the nature of CFS and FM. Abstract Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia … Continue reading

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Acupuncture ddefnyddiol ar gyfer poen cronig

An American review of studies into pain concluded that acupuncture has a clear effect in reducing chronic pain, more so than standard pain treatment, achieving 50% reduction in pain, compared to a 28% pain reduction for standard pain treatment. Acupuncture … Continue reading

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Tipping point: costau torri i gefnogi pobl anabl

A new report from the Hardest Hit coalition exposes how the Government’s welfare cuts are hitting disabled people hardest: 8 in 10 (85 per cent) claim losing their Disability Living Allowance (DLA) would drive them into isolation, and would leave … Continue reading

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ME: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome neu endid clinigol penodol?

Dr Ellen Goudsmit has updated the 1999 paper written by her, Dr Charles Shepherd, Christine Dancey and Sandra Howes outlining new criteria for research into ME and challenging the view that CFS and ME are the same condition.  The research … Continue reading

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CFS patients respond differently to gastrointestinal disorders following giardia outbreak

A Swedish study finds differences in the cells of people with both CFS and gastronitestinal disorders, suggesting immunological abnormality.  Abstract: BACKGROUND:  A Giardia outbreak was associated with development of post-infectious functional gastrointestinal disorders (PI-FGID) and chronic fatigue syndrome (PI-CFS). Markers … Continue reading

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Personality disorders no more common in CFS

Abstract from the Belgian study: BACKGROUND:  It is not yet clear whether chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is associated with elevated levels of personality disorders. PURPOSE:  This study aims to determine the prevalence of DSM-IV axis II personality disorders among patients … Continue reading

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Lixdexamfetamine dimesylate helps functioning, fatigue and pain in CFS subgroup

A drug commonly used for ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has been trialled by JL Young in the USA.  Lixdexamfetamine dimesylate is in the amphetamine family and is rapidly absorbed into the body and converted to dextroamphetamine, which is responsible … Continue reading

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Antiviral valganciclovir helps CFS subgroup

In a study by Dr Jose Montoya in the USA half of CFS patients suffering from HHV-6 and EBV viruses make an improvement of 30% or more. Abstract Valganciclovir has been reported to improve physical and cognitive symptoms in patients … Continue reading

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£10 billion further welfare cuts – Hardest Hit campaign response

The Hardest Hit campaign has responded to the UK Chancellor’s announcement that the Government is to press ahead with plans to slash an extra £10 billion from the welfare budget by 2016-17. Steve Winyard, chair of the DBC campaigns group … Continue reading

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