Category Archives: Newyddion

IiME medical conference – discount available for professionals

The 7th International Invest in ME Conference will be held on 1st June 2012 in London: Building a Future for Research into ME: Clinical and Research Updates in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Top experts will be speaking and important CPD (Continuing Professional … Continue reading

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Chair yoga in Cardiff

A new Chair Yoga Class is designed to improve posture, breathing, balance, coordination and strength. It includes relaxation techniques and a short meditation which is all done sitting (and standing if able). At Heath Citizens community Hall Heath Park. Thursday … Continue reading

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Mae Eleanor yn ‘codi gwallt ei phen’ i WAMES ar 12fed o Fai

Mae El Jones, yn ddewr iawn, yn bwriadu siafio’i phen ar ddiwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth ME, 12fed o Fai, er budd WAMES ac yn eich gwahodd chi i’w noddi hi. Mae El gyda ME ers pedair mlynedd ac yn byw yn Ne … Continue reading

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Low brain activity in CFS

Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) had significantly less activation of the basal ganglia in response to a known stimulus compared with a control group, American researchers report. Brain imaging during a simulated reward task showed reduced activation in the … Continue reading

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Distinguishing between ME, CFS and CF

There is much debate on the diagnostic classification of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and chronic fatigue (CF). Post-exertional malaise (PEM) is stressed as a key feature. A Thai study examines whether CF and CFS, with and without … Continue reading

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Iechyd Gweinidog yn sôn am ME

The BBC report on AMs’ questions for Health Minister Lesley Griffiths, highlights the difficulties patients have in finding healthcare from knowledgeable professionals in Wales. Health Minister’s questions on ME services 25 April 2012  (Questions about ME begin at 5mins 42 … Continue reading

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Change to ESA April 30th

About 100,000 ill and disabled people will lose their Employment and Support Allowance on 30 April 2012. From that date a new time limit will apply to the Employment and Support Allowance which is paid on the basis of National … Continue reading

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Cwestiwn Ysgrifenedig y Cynulliad – Enseffalomyelitis Myalgig

David Melding (Canol De Cymru): A oes unrhyw gynlluniau i ddarparu clinig dynodedig yng Nghymru i drin Enseffalomyelitis Myalgig ac i helpu i ddatblygu gwasanaethau cymunedol. (WAQ60029) Gweinidog Iechyd Lesley Griffiths: “I am not aware of any plans to provide a … Continue reading

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CFS: The challenges in primary care: a webinar

A new continuing medical education program about CFS has been launched on Medscape as a collaboration between Medscape Education and the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control in the US. The video program features expert physicians Dr Anthony Komaroff, Dr … Continue reading

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Assessment of energy metabolism by Serum Fluorescence Emission

Researchers from Witchita Kansas examined the metabolic component  of CFS, by determined serum NAD(P)H levels in 44 CFS patients and 30 healthy control  subjects by measuring serum fluorescence emission at 450 nm. It was directly correlated with serum coenzyme Q10 … Continue reading

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