Category Archives: Newyddion

Dr Myhill live interview Sky 13/3/12

Dr Sarah Myhill will be interviewed by Theo Chalmers on Sky Channel 200 Tues 13th March, starting at 8 pm. Questions for Dr Myhill are very welcome! Details of the broadcast below as given by Theo Chalmers: “It’s a two … Continue reading

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The impact of stress management skills on CFS

Research from Florida, USA: OBJECTIVES: Stressors and emotional distress responses impact chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) symptoms, including fatigue. Having better stress management skills might mitigate fatigue by decreasing emotional distress. Because CFS patients comprise a heterogeneous population, we hypothesized that … Continue reading

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ME/CFS associated with overactive Th2 response

There is a need for broad spectrum assays and kits which make it possible to detect  in a simple way and at an early stage whether a patient suffers from a Th1- or a Th2- mediated disease. A Belgian study … Continue reading

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Reid Beics 300 Milltir at Achos Da

Mae Richard Hazlewood, ymgynghorydd arbennig i’r Ysgrifennydd Cymreig, Cheryl Gillan, yn mynd ar reid beics i godi pres at achos da, ar ôl i’w wraig Rachel gael deiagnosis o ME.  Fis Medi nesaf, bydd yn reidio’r 300 milltir rhwng Llundain, … Continue reading

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Dyfodol Ymchwil, E-lyfr

Mae e-lyfr agored i bawb a gyhoeddwyd yn Chwefror 2012 yn cynnwys 5 erthygl. Thema gyffredin rhyngddynt i gyd ydi fod CFS yn afiechyd aml-system gyda’r posibilrwydd o fod â mwy nag un achos ac yn cael ei ddylanwadu gan … Continue reading

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Fatty Acid Profile in CFS Patients

As Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been associated with abnormalities in essential fatty acid metabolism  Spanish researchers investigated the effect of including essential fatty acids in the diet in a group of 20 patients diagnosed with CFS (18 women and 2 … Continue reading

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Cyfarfod Blynyddol WAMES

Bydd Cyfarfod Blynyddol WAMES yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Gwener, 9fed o Fawrth 2012 yn Ninas Powys.  Mae’n agored I  bob aelod.  Cysylltwch â Jan os hoffech fynychu.  

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A review of PROMS for CFS/ME

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) are questionnaires that researchers and clinicians ask patients to complete to assess the value of a treatment. The limitation of these measures were highlighted in 2011 by critics of the PACE trial. Researchers from England have … Continue reading

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Identity crisis, loss and adjustment in CFS

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can sometimes lead to an identity crisis so severe it is akin to dying. That’s one message derived from comments made by fourteen people with the condition who were interviewed in-depth by health psychologists in Scotland … Continue reading

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Ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth y DU ar LBA a TAP yn darfod 30ain o Ebrill, 2012

Ymgynghoriad ar Lwfans Byw I’r Anabl (DLA) a Thaliad Annibyniaeth Personol (PIP) Bwriad yr ymgynghoriad yw cael barn ar yr ail ddrafft o’r gofynion asesiad ar gyfer TAP ac yn arbennig, ar y newidiadau a wnaethpwyd ers y drafft cyntaf, … Continue reading

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