Category Archives: Newyddion

ME Clinical and Research Developments Conference, June 2012

The 7th Invest in ME International ME/CFS Conference 2012 will be held in Westminster, London, on 1st June 2012. CPD Credits will be available for healthcare professionals. Discounts are available for early registration and payment until 16th March 2012. A … Continue reading

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Accuracy of referrals to an English CFS service

Almost half (49%) of all patients referred to a specialist CFS service in London during 2007-8 did not have a diagnosis of CFS. Thirty-seven percent of referrals, screened by both a psychiatrist and a physician, were declined at the point … Continue reading

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Psychophysical distress and alexithymic traits in CFS, with and without comorbid depression

Italian researchers aimed to provide a clinical and psychometric assessment (i.e. of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits) of CFS patients with and without depressive features. Higher levels of somatic complaints were found in CFS patients than … Continue reading

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Welfare reform Bill amended in Lords – still time to sign petition

On Wednesday night (11th January) the UK Government was defeated in the Lords on 3 counts. The welfare reform bill was amended so that ESA in youth will not be axed, many cancer patients will continue to be exempt from … Continue reading

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Rhwystrau difrifol i ofal ar gyfer plant hefo CFS/ME

Roedd ymchwilwyr o Fryste eisiau gwybod pa ffactorau a rwystrai plant gyda CFS/ME rhag cael mynediad at ofal. Gan ddefnyddio asesiadau hunan-gyflawni gyda 405 o blant a chyfweliadau rhannol-strwythuredig gyda rhieni, darganfyddasant mai dim ond 19% o blant a gafodd … Continue reading

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Action for ME funds new research – deadline 20 Jan 2012

Thanks to a generous gift from an anonymous private donor, Action for M.E. is making two grants of up to £25,000 each available for researchers who want to investigate the biology of the illness. The call for proposals focuses on … Continue reading

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MRC funds £1.6m research into CFS/ME

The Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded more than £1.6m for research into the causes of the debilitating condition chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) The investment will fund five new projects to investigate the mechanisms and underlying biological processes involved … Continue reading

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Blwyddyn Newydd a rheoliadau newydd i fodloni anghenion gofalwyr

Ychydig cyn y Nadolig, cafodd Rheoliadau Strategaethau ar gyfer Gofalwyr (Cymru) 2011 gymeradwyaeth unfrydol gan y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol. Bydd y Rheoliadau’n rhoi Mesur Strategaeth ar gyfer Gofalwyr (Cymru) 2010 a mae’r Mesur yn rhoi dyletswydd ar awdurdodau dynodedig i baratoi, … Continue reading

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First published review of Pacing for ME & CFS

A review has been published describing the principle of pacing and how this can be adapted to meet individual abilities and preferences. A critical evaluation of the research was conducted to ascertain the benefits and limitations of this strategy. Based … Continue reading

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Responses to exercise differ for CFS and FMS patients

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM) are chronic multisymptom illnesses with substantial clinical and diagnostic overlap. A group of American scientists have previously shown that when controlling for aerobic fitness and accounting for comorbid FM, CFS patients do not … Continue reading

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