Category Archives: Newyddion

Statistics and ME

Prof Malcolm Hooper raises concerns about the use of statistics in current research: Statistics and the conclusions drawn from them are nowhere more crucial than in the delivery of medical care. Drawing appropriate conclusions from correctly processed and interpreted data … Continue reading

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What stops children accessing health care

A study of a specialist paediatric CFS/ME service in Bristol found that out of 405 children studied between 2006 and 2009 only 1/125 of those with severe CFS/ME and 49/263 of those with mild to moderate CFS/M.E. were seen within … Continue reading

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Dymuniad Cynhaliwr

Beth ydych chi’n ei ddymuno y Nadolig hwn? Ydych chi’n gofalu am rhywun agos? Ydych chi’n dymuno y gallech ddweud wrth bobl broffesiynol sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau, yr hyn rydych ei eisiau mewn gwirionedd i chi eich hun a’r rhai rydych … Continue reading

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Unequal access to health and social care for CFS/ME in England

This study investigated the expressed needs for health and social care of CFS/ME of people from varied social backgrounds, including those from ethnic minorities, and the challenges posed to health care professionals in providing appropriate and equitable care for this … Continue reading

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Cyhoeddi gweledigaeth bum mlynedd newydd ar gyfer y GIG

Mae Lesley Griffiths, y Gweinidog Iechyd, wedi cyhoeddi gweledigaeth bum mlynedd newydd ar gyfer y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol. Roedd y weledigaeth hon yn seiliedig ar wasanaethau cymunedol ac ar roi ansawdd, atal a thryloywedd wrth galon gofal iechyd. Mae Law … Continue reading

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Benefits & ME: Gemma’s story

Former Civil Engineer Gemma Phillips from South Wales talks about her experience of the benefit system. This digital story was presented at Disability Wales’ ‘Unequal Cuts’ seminar on the impact of benefit and public service cuts on disabled people, at … Continue reading

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Syndrom Llesgedd Cronig yn cael ei leddfu gan gyffur cansar

Gallai gyffur gwrth-gansar fod yr allwedd i drin CFS, yn ôl ymchwilwyr o Norwy. Lleihaodd symptomau’r clefyd mewn deg allan o bymtheg o gleifion a gafodd Rituximab, cyffur gwrth-lymffoma, ac ymddengys fod dau wedi gwella’n llwyr. Bu i’r rhan fwyaf … Continue reading

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Biomedical research grants available

Action for M.E. is making two grants of up to £25,000 each for biomedical research into ME. The call for proposals focuses on autonomic dysfunction, fatigue, immune dysregulation and pain. Proposals must be submitted by email by 4pm Friday 20 … Continue reading

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Disability benefits protest – the Hardest Hit campaign

Are you concerned about Government cuts to disability benefits and services? Join others who are affected by the cuts in a march in Cardiff on Sat 22nd October and help to send a clear message to the Government: stop these … Continue reading

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The impact of CFS/ME on employment and productivity in the UK

Rearchers from Bristol examined data from 2,170 patients attending five specialist ME/CFS services to estimate earnings lost as a consequence of ME or CFS and the overall productivity costs to the UK economy. By extrapolating these estimates to the UK … Continue reading

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