Author Archives: wames

Rob’s #500miles4ME fundraising success – reflections

£6004 raised for ME charities!   Rob Messenger completed his 500 mile fundraising walk for charity on 5 November 2023, and by mid January 2024  he had raised a grand total of £6004 (including GiftAid) for 3 charities: WAMES  £1530 … Continue reading

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Biomarker research: Similar immune system dysfunction in Long COVID & ME/CFS

Potential biomarker and treatment for imune dysfunction   A potential biomarker has been identified by US researchers that indicates immune system dysfunction among people living with long COVID and ME/CFS. This involves dysfunctional CD8 T-cells. Immune deficiency and health was … Continue reading

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Ear seeds as treatment for ME/CFS – what people say

Dragon’s Den accused of  being a scandal and a disgrace   A Dragon’s Den programme on BBC TV on 17 January 2023 featured a business selling acupuncture ear seeds that Giselle Boxer said helped her on her journey of recovery … Continue reading

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GET should not be recommended for patients with PEM

Graded exercise therapy should not be recommended for patients with post-exertional malaise   Major researchers from the US and Europe – including Todd Davenport, Carmen Scheibenbogen and David Putrino – have replied to Fedorowski et al’s Review, which supports the … Continue reading

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Research shows that ME/CFS is a biological illness

Why do some people still think ME/CFS is psychological in nature?   A recent article by a team of researchers in Germany and the USA – including Manuel Thoma, Leonard Jason and Carmen Scheibenbogen – provides a clear summary of … Continue reading

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ME in Wales update January 2024

ME/CFS service development  Health services for ME in Wales continue to be developed more slowly than everyone would like. A major reason for the hold-up is the length of time it takes to advertise and recruit new staff. WAMES continues … Continue reading

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Could YOU play a vital role for ME/CFS in Wales?

Are you good with figures?   WAMES is looking for a Treasurer The Treasurer’s role is critical to the work of WAMES and will be a key member of the Finance & Fundraising Team. It is an exciting time for … Continue reading

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#newWAMESwebsite fundraising success!

#newWAMESwebsite – we have the money!   Almost a year after launching our fundraising challenge for a new website we have reached our goal! Many people have helped along the way to reach a total of £650 and Rob’s #500MilesforME … Continue reading

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Research: Cognitive impact of PEM in ME/CFS

Exploring the neurocognitive consequences of PEM in ME   Canadian researcher Dr Alain Moreau talks about his team’s research funded by OMF, into Post Exertional Malaise in ME/CFS: “Our team developed a standardized test lasting 90 minutes to induce PEM … Continue reading

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Research: ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar dysfunctional immune system

Changes to physiological pathways similar in ME/CFS and Long COVID   A small study in New Zealand of the immune cell proteome in Long COVID, ME/CFS and healthy people uncovered “overlapping protein clusters and enriched molecular pathways particularly in immune … Continue reading

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