Measuring Fatigue Finally?
Cort Johnson asks: Has a test that objectively measures fatigue been found?
How to objectively measure fatigue has dogged the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome field for decades. Until researchers can tell how fatigued a person really is people with ME/CFS and FM will always have to deal with the “I’m tired, too” response from both their friends and from the medical community.
An objective measure of fatigue, on the other hand, would differentiate the normal fatigue that healthy people experience from the numbing exhaustion that people with ME/CFS and FM often experience. It would allow the measurement of a fatigue that is more than fatigue; it would enable researchers to measure a pathological state of exhaustion.
Biomarker for Fatigue Could Help Validate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Cort discusses the work of Japanese researchers into parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activation and increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation and whether they have found a potential test for post-exertional fatigue.