Carers Rights Day 26 November 2020


Unpaid carers in Wales have saved £33 million every day of the pandemic.

Yet only 7% of adults are aware that carers have legal rights, says Carers Wales.


Find out more about your rights: Looking After Someone (Wales): Information and support for carers


Carers Wales is calling on Welsh Government to commit to:

  • A large scale public, awareness raising campaign to increase awareness of unpaid carers and their legal rights to information, advice and support contained in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act
  • Systematic identification of carers by health and social care professionals, and the introduction of a new duty on the NHS to identify carers and promote their health and wellbeing
  • Increased levels of financial support to carers services at the local level

Read more: Unpaid carers in Wales have saved £33 million every day of the pandemic

Read the report: Unseen and undervalued: The value of unpaid care provided to date during the COVID-19 pandemic

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