Category Archives: News

When art eases pain – Diamond Art

When art eases pain   PF from south Wales has found better pain management through ‘Diamond Art.’ I want to tell you about the new way I’ve found to help me with my pain management. This is through the process … Continue reading

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World ME day: Share the ME factsheet

Build a better understanding of ME – share the WMEA ME factsheet   As WAMES joins countries round the world on #WorldMEday in 2024 calling for a #GlobalVoiceForME, we are fortunate to be able to share a fact sheet that … Continue reading

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World ME Day: ME is a global crisis: Be a #GlobalVoiceForME

Together, we are battling a global health crisis   With your support, we will be a #GlobalVoiceForME This year marks the 55th anniversary since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially acknowledged ME as a neurological condition, highlighting the urgency of … Continue reading

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World ME day: Bridging borders event 10 May 2024

Bridging borders – a WMEA online event    The Bridging borders event, hosted by the World ME Alliance, will take you on a journey across the globe. ME advocates from a variety of countries will share their innovative advocacy campaigns … Continue reading

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World ME day: Make & share a #GlobalMEVoiceForME poster

Show the world you are a #GlobalVoiceForME!   Create a custom poster for #WorldMEDay and join WAMES and advocates from Wales and around the world highlighting the global crisis of ME. Bring your voice to building change together! 55 years … Continue reading

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Welsh Government on NHS training for ME/CFS

How will health professionals learn about ME in Wales?   Decades of stigma, misunderstanding and struggle have been experienced by people with ME/CFS when they have attempted to access healthcare in Wales. Knowing this, and realising that no local medical … Continue reading

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World ME day: Ask UK to be a #GlobalVoiceForME

#World ME day, 12 May – Take action!   Together, we are battling a global health crisis – help us let the WHO know A part of the World ME Alliance we are joining with nations all over the world, … Continue reading

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No ME/CFS Delivery plan for Wales, say Welsh Government

No Welsh strategy to support ME/CFS service development   Following a question in the Senedd and discussions with Welsh Government officials it is now clear that the Welsh Government have rejected WAMES’ request to develop an all-Wales strategy or Delivery … Continue reading

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Research: ME/CFS & joint hypermobility – a disease subgroup?

Joint hypermobility & ME/CFS   Solve ME’s analysis of its You + ME Registry-based population (now Solve Together) sheds light on the complex interplay between joint hypermobility, ME/CFS, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. “Our results showed distinctive clinical characteristics in ME/CFS … Continue reading

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Rob’s #500miles4ME awareness raising with physio Karen Leslie

Physical Exertion in ME & the PEM/PESE effect, with Karen Leslie of Physios for ME   Rob Messenger shared his motivations for raising funds and awareness for ME by walking 500 miles over 100 days and climbing a total of … Continue reading

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