Category Archives: News
#newWAMESwebsite fundraising – nearly there!
More donations – nearer to our target! A big thank you to the donors from the Carmarthenshire ME support group, and all those who contributed through PayPal and Easy Fundraising to give us another £200 towards purchasing a new … Continue reading
Research review: Viral infection as cause of ME/CFS
Viral infections found in people with ME/CFS Korean researchers searched the medical literature to find which viruses were associated with ME/CFS. Borna disease virus (BDV), a viral disease of warm-blooded animals, notably horses and sheep, had the strongest links. … Continue reading
ME/CFS Delivery Plan for Wales – WAMES’ proposal
ME/CFS Delivery plan for Wales proposal WAMES welcomed the DHSC’s Interim delivery plan on ME/CFS for England when it was published in September. We were also pleased that the Welsh Government is ‘keen to review the views of their … Continue reading
Research: Increased risk of heart attacks & strokes for people with long COVID & ME/CFS
Long COVID & ME/CFS have similarly impaired vascular function Researchers from Scotland found similar problems with the lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) in both people with long COVID and ME/CFS, in spite of people with ME/CFS being ill … Continue reading
WMEA calls on UN to address post-viral illnesses in future pandemic planning
32 organisations call for future pandemic preparedness to address infection-associated chronic conditions The World ME Alliance says future pandemic preparedness will fail millions without explicit recognition of and research into infection associate chronic conditions. On 20th September 2023, the … Continue reading
Research: Diagnosing ME/CFS by analysing questionnaires with Machine Learning
Machine learning analysis of SF-36 Health questionnaire could be as diagnostic tool for ME/CFS Spanish researchers looked for an alternative to using an expensive and invasive exercise test (CPET) as a diagnostic biomarker in patients with ME/CFS. They found … Continue reading
Research: ME/CFS & pregnancy
ME/CFS and pregnancy: a systematic review When reviewing studies of pregnancy in women living with ME/CFS, researchers from Newcastle University found the impact of pregnancy on ME/CFS severity varied within and between the small number of relevant studies. The … Continue reading
New NHS ME/CFS & Long COVID service in Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB
Primary fatigue service, Cwm Taf MUHB Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTMUHB) is the first health board in Wales to launch a service for post viral illness, which includes both ME/CFS and Long COVID. Who is the service … Continue reading
ME/CFS Delivery plan: Unhelpful language
Language can hurt “The way language is used can frustrate or upset people who have ME/CFS.” This is one of the discoveries made by the Working Group who have developed the draft English ME/CFS Delivery Plan: My full reality: … Continue reading
500 miles for ME: Carer Rob raises £1,000 for WAMES!
500 miles for ME – Rob raises £1,00 for WAMES Rob began his challenge in June – to walk 500 miles for ME over the course of 100 days, to greet the sunrise at Paxton’s Tower, near Carmarthen. … Continue reading