The WAMES secretary’s post will become vacant at the April AGM.
This post is critical for the smooth running of WAMES, an organisation which works to improve services and provide a better quality of life for people with ME in Wales.
Responsibilities would include:
- attending an annual AGM in south Wales
- compiling and distributing minutes and agendas
- organising e-meetings
- producing documents
- monitoring policies
- correspondence
- general administration.
The secretary would also be a trustee who shares responsibility with the rest of the committee for overseeing WAMES’s work.
Person specification: We are looking for someone who is organised, computer literate and able to work from home.
Support: We can provide support, expenses and training as neces-sary.
The post is open to anyone living in Wales but would be ideal for someone who has a long term plan of returning to work and needs experi-ence, or who wishes a career in the 3rd sector .
For more information: contact Jan