It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Dr Betty Dowsett on June 14 in a nursing home in Cambridge at the age of 91.  In 2001, at the age of 80, and already retired for many years, she was the key speaker at the launch of WAMES in the National Assembly in Cardiff, and continued as our adviser. Her support in our early years gave us the confidence to campaign ‘against the flow’ of the medical tide.

Betty was born in Newport, Gwent and studied medicine at Edinburgh University. She worked as a GP in London then after further studies became a consultant microbiologist. She built up an expertise in ME seeing thousands of people with ME from the 1960s onwards, working with Dr John Richardson and Dr. Melvin Ramsey. She was instrumental in setting up the National ME clinic in Essex with Prof Leslie Findley.

In latter years, she also worked with Jane Colby and The Young ME Sufferers Trust (Tymes Trust), on a groundbreaking study into ME as the cause of major long-term sickness absence from school. She continued to lecture and advise patients and professionals about ME following her retirement, at her own expense. She is quoted as saying “ it is not how old you are but what you can do and you are never to old to do something”.

Simon Lawrence of the 25% ME group summed her up:

“She was someone who was relentlessly courageous in fighting the establishment on their stance of ME. She was sympathetic and empathetic to all who contacted her for help and support. She was someone who did not seek glory or try to make a name for herself in all that she did for others but simply did it because, as a doctor and, more importantly, as a human being, she felt it was her duty to help and, indeed, took great pleasure in helping people with this disease.”

The funeral will be held on Friday, June 29. The family have asked that, instead of sending flowers, people should make donations directly to the M.E. charity of their choice.

Cards should be sent to The Family of Betty Dowsett, c/o The Cottenham Court Nursing Home, High Street, Cottenham, Cambridge CB24 8SS (but do not send donations with your cards).

Bibliography of Dr Dowsett’s papers

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