ME/CFS Delivery plan for Wales proposal


WAMES welcomed the DHSC’s Interim delivery plan on ME/CFS for England when it was published in September. We were also pleased that the Welsh Government is

‘keen to review the views of their residents on the interim delivery plan
so that they can consider the implications for local policy’

WAMES has therefore drawn together some thoughts on the themes and actions in the plan which we believe Wales should also be considering, as new ME/CFS services are being planned.

Our proposals for a Welsh Delivery Plan have been sent to the Welsh Government leads for ME/CFS and Health Board leads, among others.

Our proposed key actions for Wales:

  • Wales-wide commitment to co-production
  • encourage biomedical research
  • develop a pro-active strategy to educate train and raise awareness amongst professionals
  • raise awareness of how people with ME/CFS and unpaid carers can access relevant support
  • avoid the ‘red flags’ of unhelpful language

The thing that impressed WAMES most about the draft English delivery plan was that it was produced through co-production.

The Co-production network for Wales‘ slogan is:

All in this together

People with ME/CFS have endured decades of conflicting theories about our condition and treatment approaches, and disinterest or hostility from the healthcare profession.

In such a climate, even the most well-meaning professionals would find it difficult to develop effective strategies and pathways without the input of people living with, and caring for those with the illness.

As well as a commitment to co-production across Wales, WAMES are also asking for consistent and thorough implementation of the NICE guidelines and awareness raising of the condition with all healthcare, social care and education professionals. The aim is:

‘to improve experiences and outcomes’ for all affected by ME/CFS

Download the ME/CFS Delivery Plan for Wales proposal

Read the ME/CFS Delivery Plan for Wales proposal


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