Families affected by ME or CFS may also on occasion find themselves under great psychological stress and could benefit with some help. Mind Cymru publishes information and offers support at all levels.

Yn Mind Cymru rydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod mwy o’n hadnoddau gwybodaeth am iechyd meddwl ar gael yn Gymraeg.

At Mind Cymru we’re committed to making more of our mental health information resources available in the Welsh language.


Rydym newydd ychwanegu pum tudalen adnoddau Cymraeg newydd at ein gwefan fel y gall pobl gael gafael ar wybodaeth am y materion canlynol yn Gymraeg.

We’ve just added 5 new Welsh language resource pages to our website so that people can access information on the following subjects in Welsh:

  1. Iechyd meddwl amenedigol ac iselder ôl-enedigol/Perinatal mental health and postnatal depression
  2. Sut i ymdopi ag unigrwydd/Loneliness
  3. Triniaethau siarad/Talking treatments
  4. Paranoia
  5. Hunan-niweidio./Self-harm.

Mae’r rhain yn ymuno â’n naw adnodd gwybodaeth sy’n bodoli eisoes ac sydd ar gael yn Gymraeg:

 These join our nine existing information resources that are already available in Welsh:

  1. Gorbryder a phyliau o banig/Anxiety and panic attacks
  2. Straen/Stress
  3. Anhwylder Personoliaeth Ffiniol (BPD)/Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
  4. Teimladau hunanladdol/Suicidal feelings
  5. Gofyn am help ar gyfer problem iechyd meddwl/Seeking help for a mental health problem
  6. Iselder/Depression
  7. Hunan-barch/Self-esteem
  8. Deubegynol/Bipolar
  9. Anhwylderau personoliaeth./Personality disorders

Gallwch weld ein holl adnoddau Cymraeg yn

You can view all of our welsh language resources at


Rhannwch yr adnoddau hyn gyda phawb rydych chi’n credu y gallant eu helpu. Hoffem sicrhau bod pawb sydd angen yr adnoddau hyn yn gallu cael gafael arnynt.
Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth, ffoniwch ni ar 02920 346589 neu e-bostiwch digitalwales@mind.org.uk

Please share these resources with everyone who you think they might help. We would like to make sure that everyone who needs these resources has access to them.
If you would like any more information on the resources please give us a call on 02920 346589 or email digitalwales@mind.org.uk

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