Alcohol intolerance and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome


Using questionnaires and statistical analysis Jason & Machiuch found that people with ME/CFS are more likely to experience alcohol intolerance. Those with alcohol intolerance had more symptoms, including orthostatic intolerance.

Alcohol intolerance and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, by Jessica Maciuch, Leonard A Jason in World J Neurol. May 31, 2023; 9(3): 17-27  [doi: 10.5316/wjn.v9.i3.17]

Research abstract: 


The literature is mixed about the occurrence of alcohol intolerance among patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/ chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Surveys that asked respondents with ME/CFS whether they experienced alcohol intolerance within a recent time frame might produce inaccurate results because respondents may indicate that the symptom was not present if they avoid alcohol due to alcohol intolerance.


To overcome this methodologic problem, participants in the current study were asked whether they have avoided alcohol in the past 6 mo, and if they had, how severe their alcohol intolerance would be if they were to drink alcohol.


The instrument used was a validated scale called the DePaul symptom questionnaire. Independent t-tests were performed among the alcohol intolerant or not alcohol intolerant group. The alcohol intolerant group had 208 participants, and the not alcohol intolerant group had 96 participants.


Using specially designed questions to properly identify those with alcohol intolerance, those who experienced alcohol intolerance vs those who did not experience alcohol intolerance experienced more frequent/severe symptoms and domains.

In addition, using a multiple regression analysis, the orthostatic intolerance symptom domain was related to alcohol intolerance.


The findings from the current study indicated that those with ME/CFS are more likely to experience alcohol intolerance. In addition, those with this symptom have more overall symptoms than those without alcohol intolerance. 

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