The Care & Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) is reviewing domiciliary sometimes known as ‘home’ care services to consider where home care works well and where improvements need to be made. There is still time to give them your views. Deadline: Friday 2nd October

What will the review look at?
The review will mainly look at the care provided by independent home care providers. It will consider:

  • How home care services are ‘commissioned’ and purchased by local councils and health boards
  • How agencies organise the care provided
  • The quality of care people receive
  • The impact on the workforce; their pay and conditions and the challenges they face as home care workers
  • The quality assurance systems in place
  • They want to understand what is working well and where arrangements should be improved.

What they will do
As part of the review they will:

  • Carry out national surveys of people receiving home care services, working in services, providing services and commissioning services
  • Hold a series of workshops to discuss the findings
  • Carry out inspections of a sample of care agencies
  • Review the arrangements in a small  number of councils / health boards where there are different approaches being used
  • Consider previous research and studies in Wales and across the UK

More information

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