Tag Archives: e-petition

1,000 signatures in 12 hours! e-petition to remove GET & CBT from NICE guidance immediately

Change.org petition, started by Robin Brown, 23 Feb 2017: Stop harming ME/CFS patients – take CBT/GET out of NICE guidelines NOW Robin Brown started this petition to Director, Centre for Guidelines, NICE & director Prof. Mark Baker NICE has promised to … Continue reading

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The NICE guidelines – starting again?

mrspoonseeker blog post, 21 Jan 2018: The NICE Guidelines – Starting Again? N.B. Please sign the NICE Guidelines Committee petition – see below. There was some encouraging feedback from the recent NICE ME/CFS Guidelines Stakeholder meeting, an early milestone in the long … Continue reading

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Petition to develop disability access monitoring of buildings in Wales

National Assembly for Wales e-petition e-Petition: 23 Nov 2017: We call for all premises in Wales to be awarded an Access Certificate number similar to the Food Hygiene Certificate. We are calling for the Welsh Government to bring in an … Continue reading

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Petition to force action on the UNCRPD report citing violations of disabled rights

UK Government & Parliament Petition: Force the government to act on the eleven recommendations of the UNCRPD report As a result of being investigated by a United Nations committee for not fulfilling the terms of the UNCRPD, the government have … Continue reading

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Dutch people with ME invite you to sign their petition – ME is not MUPS

Dutch ME Association ME/cvs Vereniging invites people in Wales to join them in signing a petition to the Dutch Health Council. They are concerned about attitudes to ME following the Dutch FITNET trial (which is now influencing research in the … Continue reading

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MEGA ‘big data’ study Q&A

Change.org petition update: MEGA Questions and Answers, by M.E./CFS Epidemiology and Genomics Alliance (MEGA), 5 October 2016 Many of you have asked us questions about MEGA. We have not yet applied for funding and the patient advisory groups have not … Continue reading

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MEGA research for M.E./CFS: pledge your support

Action for ME blog post, 28 Sep 2016: MEGA research for M.E./CFS: pledge your support Please add your voice to support a significant biomedical research project to investigate the biology of M.E. Launched at the UK CFS/M.E. Research Collaborative conference, the M.E./CFS Epidemiology … Continue reading

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UK and global petitions to stop GET trials for ME/CFS

The ME Action network has launched a campaign to stop trials into Graded Exercise Therapy (GET): stopget.org UK citizens can sign a petition against all trials for GET on the UK government website: Suspend all trials of graded exercise therapy in children … Continue reading

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e-petition to reverse ESA cuts

Reverse the ESA disability benefit cut: The House of Lords has been unable to stop a planned £30-a-week cut to disability benefits forced through by Government MPs. This will cripple those in receipt of these benefits, leaving many in literal … Continue reading

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ME Action petition for more funding for research in UK

ME Action article: 10,000 signatures for more research funding in the UK! Calling all British M.E. sufferers & allies, Inspired by our American friends and the progress that has been made over in the States with government funding and new … Continue reading

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