EPP Cymru (Education Programmes for Patients) offer the following courses:

Chronic disease self-management programme – 6 week course for 2 1/2 hours per week throughout Wales. Learn how to plan and motivate yourself, breathe properly and relax, improve pain levels, solve problems, and cope better with pain, tiredness, depression, stress, loneliness, fear, anger, frustration, exercise and healthy eating.

Introduction to Self management workshop – 2 1/2 hours in Cardiff & Barry – for people living with a chronic condition and individuals who care for someone with a chronic condition who need confidence and skills to manage their health on a daily basis.

Looking after me – a 6 week course for 2 1/2 hours per week for carers

Online self-management course – being piloted in North & West Wales but open to people from all over Wales.

A user name and email address allows course participants to log on to the course remotely, 2-3 times per week, for a total of 2 hours each week. The course lasts 6 weeks and participants can access the course at anytime and anywhere there is internet access.

Course participants learn to:

  • Manage pain and extreme tiredness
  • Cope with feelings of depression
  • Relaxation techniques and exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Action planning and problem solving techniques
  • Communication skills with healthcare professionals, friends, family and colleagues.

Sarah.tominson2@wales.nhs.uk or 01554 779507   Or

elois.davis@wales.nhs.uk or 01286 674236


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